
Saturday, September 11, 2010

9/11, The Day That Everything Changed

George W. Bush was the pResident on 911.

Prior to 911 Bush was on a month long vacation.

While on his month long vacation Bush received a PDB(Presidential Daily Briefing) form NSA (National Security Advisor) Condolezza Rice that said Osama bin Laden determined to attack inside the United States.

On 911 Bush was in Florida reading My Pet Goat.

After 911 Bush said he was going to get Bin Laden dead or alive, and that he had hit the Trifecta.

Then he invaded Iraq.

From pre-emptive war, to taking our shoes off at the airport, to color coded Terror Alerts, to FISA, to the Patriot Act, to ending habeas corpus, 9/11 is the day that will live in infamy as the day that changed everything in America.
Politicians claimed ownership of 9/11 almost from the get-go to advance their goals. Within five hours of the strike, Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld was plotting ways to harness it as an excuse to attack Iraq. The Bush administration and Congress invoked 9/11 as they rushed into law in six weeks an act comprised largely of a police- and surveillance-powers wish list they had been keeping on a shelf, which they dubbed the USA PATRIOT Act. And, of course, the Bush administration repeatedly conjured images of 9/11 over the next 20 months to successfully campaign for the Iraq invasion.

A face book friend recently posted the following;
We the people, in order to:

1. form a more perfect union
2. establish justice
3. ensure domestic tranquility
4. provide for the common defense
5. promote the general welfare, and
6. secure the blessing of liberty to ourselves and our prosperity

do ordain and establish the constitution for the United States of America.

How are we doing?

Another friend replied:
I think we took a wrong turn somewhere in the recent past. Clear signs that we're moving in the wrong direction:

1. People tampering with the gas lines at what they thought to be a Congressman's house. It was really his brother's house. T...he worst part, both the Congressman and his brother have young children. When this was pointed out to the two nutcases that posted the address online and encouraged people to go to the Congressman's home, their response? The Congressman should have taken that into consideration when he didn't do what the American people wanted him to do [his "crime" was voting in favor of health care reform], that they have no reason to believe that it is really not the Congressman's home and that they will continue until the Congressman gives them his correct address for them to post online.

2. People carrying weapons to events where the President is speaking.

3. People throwing around hate speech and racial and ethnic and religious slurs about one billion people because a couple of dozen committed horrific acts back in 2001. Vandalized the playgrounds of mosques and religious schools, protesting their right to have a place to worship and more. This one is a huge slap in the face of freedom of religion and separation of church & state. My favorite of this group (favorite is meant sarcastically) is the guy who wrote an article trying to justify this and arguing against everyone trying to remind people that a majority of Muslims do not subscribe to a violent ideology. His argument was an uncited "statistic" that 7% of Muslims were in favor of the 9/11 attacks. Really? Because that would mean that 93% weren't. That basically supports what the people you're arguing against have been saying all along.

4. A guy, who admitted in a deposition that he does not know anything about Islam except for things he learned on YouTube causing an international uproar, probably putting our troops in danger, and just generally being a hateful person by deciding to burn 200 copies of the holy book of the world's largest religion. Then, when everyone from the other clergy in his community up to the President point out that it will probably incite people to retaliate against troops and citizens abroad the guy says basically, don't blame me, blame them and tell them they had better not retaliate or we will beat them up. I thought this guy was stuck back in the grammar school playground until I saw his picture and realized that he's really stuck back in pre-Revolution days. Then, Colonel Burn-a-Book, in the same sentence, condemns Islam as a hateful ideology then says that he hates Islam. Sounds like YOU have the hateful ideology, Colonel!

I'd say these violate at least numbers 2, 3, 5 and 6 up there. Sadly, there are many, many, many more examples.

Thank goodness we have a President capable of leading the country in the the right (no pun) direction and back to the founding principles that make America the the land of the free and the home of the brave;
"I think I've been pretty clear on my position here," he said. "And that is, is that this country stands for the proposition that all men and women are created equal, that they have certain inalienable rights; one of those inalienable rights is to practice their religion freely. And what that means is that if you could build a church on a site, you could build a synagogue on a site, if you could build a Hindu temple on a site, then you should be able to build a mosque on the site."

After 911 are we really going to allow the gop infused, media enabled Tea Party control our government, again and change everything?
"During an appearance on the progressive talk-radio 'Stephanie Miller Show” on Thursday — part of a regular segment called 'Face the Grayson'...Miller: 'The Glenn Beck thing — is that going to have an effect in November?...Grayson: 'These are people who were wearing sheets over their heads 25 years ago.'” If only we had more Democrats in Washington, D.C. like Alan Grayson. If only we had more men like Alan Grayson who never hesitates to tell the truth, more Democrats who would stand up and tell it like it is,

I want to go back to before 911. I want my democracy back.

This post is dedicated to the memory of the 3000 Americans who died on 9/11 and the tens of thousand dead because 9/11 changed everything.

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