
Friday, September 10, 2010

Redeye's Week in Review

This week in Alabama poliTricks begin with the Shirley Sherroding of Ron Sparks. His detractors claim he endorsed Dick Shelby and therefore is not loyal to the party. Of course these are the same folks who gave Artur Davis a free pass for voting against health care reform and the hate crimes bill for his political gain. They also appear to be trying to draw a comparison to the outrage loyal democrats felt when Artur Davis (DINO) endorsed republican gubernatorial nominee Robert Bentley. Apples and Corn. But it's nice to see them having some party unity/loyalty for a change.

Well almost. It appears some are still in Denial and still playing the black democrats are racist card because the State Democratic Executive Committee operated by party rules and didn't replace the black woman who won the election with the white woman who lost the election because the black woman had to surrender her law license after she won the election. Whew.
There have also been calls for Nikki Still supporters to ramp up a write-in campaign, but Still herself so far is not enthused about it. However, letter after letter in the paper and voter after voter in person tell me that write-in is exactly what they are going to do. Many feel like a vote for French is a vote for the race based system that has infected the Democratic Party.

So we will write in our vote for Nikki Still.
And you say progressives are in denial?

Meanwhile under the Alabama racism radar. As so often happens in Alabama, race became an issue. Alabama Governor Wallace, I mean Riley is being investigated by the U.S. Justice department for refusing to pay legal fees because most of the firms attorneys are black.
The days of political retaliation and institutional racism in Alabama should remain only on the silver screens of Hollywood," King wrote. "The Governor of this Great State should treat all races and ethnicity's equally be they majority or minority, favored or disfavored. Although this Court truly hopes these allegations prove to be false, only depositions and inquiry into the facts will show the truth."

So where is the outrage from The Birmingham News, John Archibald, leaning Left in Alabama, Bessemer Opinions, James Lassiter of the JeffCo. New South Coalition and three members of the SCLC? Surely unlike some progressives you aren't refusing to address the problem.

America's favorite Christian Conservative Southern Pastor says "We won't burn the Quran if you move an Islamic center and mosque away from New York's ground zero". Don't the lawyers on TeeVee call that extortion? Yes, we have lost our minds and the media we have helped.
So how the heck did we allow this Terry Jones to get this much attention. Startling. The Media has majorly failed us in their over-coverage and more than 15 minutes of fame for this guy. Might be the most over-extended 15 minutes in the history of media sensationalism.

Break the broken media..shut em down!
Quit treating the media as if they really are carrying news stories.
Starting today, I am not going to watch propaganda and all of that junk on tv. Wanna bet I am a healthier person when I start this. Of course the pharmas want you to watch Fox or CNN or MSNBC because your blood pressure rises and they then can sell you drugs. It's a fix.
Wake up. The Cable news networks and radio talk shows are dragging America down in the mud and into a ditch. They are causing division and hatred and we should not be supporting this type of behavior.

This is the same media that allowed Bush and Dick to use our grief over 911 to send our sons and daughters to war.

Juan Cole say the media is a security threat to America.
News junkies who watch a lot of television broadcasts could not help but notice with puzzlement that as the cosmic catastrophe unfolded in Pakistan, it was nearly invisible on American networks. I did a LexisNexis search for the terms “Pakistan” and “flood” in broadcast transcripts (covering mostly American networks) from July 31st to September 4th, and it returned only about 1,100 hits. A search for the name of troubled actress Lindsay Lohan returned 653 search results in the same period and one for “Iraq,” more than 3,000 hits (the most the search engine will count). A search for “mosque" and "New York” yielded 1,300 hits. Put another way, the American media, whipped into an artificial frenzy by anti-Muslim bigots like New York gubernatorial candidate Rick Lazio and GOP hatemonger Newt Gingrich, were far more interested in the possible construction of a Muslim-owned interfaith community center two long blocks from the old World Trade Center site than in the sight of millions of hapless Pakistani flood victims.

In case you are wondering what tricks the gop infused, media enabled Tea Party has in store for President Obama if/when they regain control of Congress here is a preview. h/t Digby

"Not only has the Obama administration promoted dangerous and unsustainable policies, but it has also engaged in corrupt and illegal activities such as bribery, a crime the Founders specifically cited as an impeachable offense. Moreover, this report details numerous instances of Obama lying to the American people, a pattern which clearly indicates a character defect that in itself endangers America. Given this, we believe impeachment is necessary for the future survival of America," says the report.

It's not to late for President Obama to avoid his Waterloo.
It’s not too late for Obama to turn his presidency around, reconnect with the supporters who propelled him to the White House, attack the gridlock in Washington and reclaim his ambitious legislative agenda. But to do so, he’ll need fewer Rahm’s in the building.

What a week. Redeye tiptoeing away from the computer to go pray.
Peace be with you.

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