
Monday, May 14, 2012

RedEye's Talking Points~Update

H/T jobsanger who reminds us of an ugly truth via Yellowdog Granny

About that black folks are going to vote for Willard "Mitt" Romney because the black pastors are against same-sex marriage meme.... the majority (not to be confused with the one or two they put on TeeVee) of black pastors aren't stupid.  Informed, intelligent, tolerant, black pastors recognize and respect the separation of church and state. This is the bottom line regarding marriage have every right (pun intended) to be opposed to same-sex don't have the right (pun intended) to force those who don't share your opposition to do so.  If you are against gay marriage, don't be gay and get married.  End of story.

H/T Black Agenda Report Managing Editor Bruce Dixon who says it's time to "let pharaoh go" 
There is a huge disconnect between the mainstream media and the 99%.  This is the same media that enabled Bush and Company to take us to war based on dead wrong intelligence, raid the surplus to give the rich a huge tax break, spy on Americans without a warrant, out an undercover CIA agent, impeach President Clinton for trying to conceal getting a BJ, and all the votes not to be counted in Florida in 2000.  The same media who is enabling the lynching (yes lynching) of former Senator John Edwards for trying to conceal an affair and child.  Why do we know more about Bill Clinton and John Edwards male members than we know about the war or the economy or anything else that's important to real people? It's the media we have, instead of the media we wish we had.

Marissa Alexander H/T Abagond
Tale of two separate and unequal Stand Your Ground defenses in the sunshine state of Florida.  Marissa Alexander of Jacksonville FL was sentenced to 20 years in prison for firing a warning shot into the ceiling when her abusive husband threatened to kill her.  She claimed a Stand Your Ground defense, but it was rejected by the Judge.  Ironically the prosecutor, in this case, is Angela Cory, the same prosecutor who is prosecuting Trayvon Martin's killer, George Zimmerman. Why do they think black people are animals?

H/T Geek Pavaler  education is the hope of the republic
All Politics is Local Remix.  Alabama TeaPublican's attempt to re-segregate the public school system failed thanks to effective lobbying and several prominent republicans coming to their senses.  Meanwhile, in Huntsville, rich parents are in a tizzy because the state legislature chose tourism dollars over fall break.  Not a peep about the school district funneling tax dollars to a private, residential, drug treatment program.  Not one word about poor/black/brown parents being forced to buy uniforms for their students.  Not one word about poor/black/brown schools being staffed with non-certified teachers.   But why should they care?  After all, "their"students/schools are doing just fine.  The students/school pictured below....not so much.
The Huntsville Times
Today's Must Reads

CNN Racist Depiction of The Black Church and Gay Marriage

It's a Democracy, Not a Theocracy:  How the Black Church Gets it Wrong

The Black Church:  How Corporate Media and the Prosperity Gospel Make Legions of Ready Dupes

Charters have nothing to do with Community Control of Schools

Why the U.S. Can't Compete Educationally


Anonymous said...

This is what I can't believe is not more widely known:

"Until 1978, the LDS church banned men of African descent from its priesthood, a position open to nearly all Mormon males and the gateway to sacramental and leadership roles. The church had also barred black men and women from temple ceremonies that promised access in the afterlife to the highest heaven." Funny that same media that have no problem suggesting Obama is Muslim can't find space for this.

But in addition to the curious silence of the media about the racism of the LDS, there is this to consider: in the 1960s, Romney demonstrated against his peers who were protesting the Vietnam War draft. Of course, he was never at risk (and this time not bcs of Daddy's bucks). No, he avoided the draft because he had to go off on his Mormon missionary service. To -- get this -- FRANCE!!! So before the Mormons rethought their take on blackness, Mitt avoided the draft by proselytizing for a faith that considered those with black skin as inferior beings. In France, while his peers were being blown apart in Vietnam.

Redeye said...

The media tells us what they want us to know, not what we need to know to make informed decisions. There is a huge disconnect between the media and the American people.

It's the stupid media.