
Friday, June 1, 2012

RedEye's Week in Review

What a week this has been full of good, bad, and the downright ugly.

First the good.

Former Alabama Congress Critter Artur Davis(the latest delusional puppet of republican racial propaganda) is taking his jigging skills to the republican party like a good House Negro.  I pity the fools at Left in Alabama who fell for the Okay Doke. Although their track record for endorsements appear to based on the image the candidate projects, rather than the content of their character, it tends to makes me suspect of any democratic candidate(s) they endorse.


It's always a good thing when a jury tells the Department of InJustice to go Dick Cheney themselves.  North Carolina has the kind of juries I wish we had instead of the juries we have.  I thought President Obama said he was going end Scooter Libby Justice?  I guess that's hard to do when the TeaPulblicans are blocking his Judicial Nominations.  Strike that, they are blocking the ones they don't agree with.

I'm just saying...

Now for the bad, Mitt Romney, President Obama and Casey WARdynski vie for who can hurt public education the worst.  Of course I am a dumb, ignorant, racist, n-word who was kicked of of Left in Alabama because I was incapable of logic based argument, just because I  dared point out segregated public schools are illegal.  It's too bad Romney, Obama and WARdynski don't realize there is no right way to do the wrong thing.

Finally the U-G-L-Y, how do republicans plan to steal the 2012 elections?  The same way they did in 2000?


Today's must read

Edwards Charged With Wrong Crime. 

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