
Monday, June 25, 2012

Ronald Reagan continues to haunt us from the grave

The same United States Supreme Court that gave us Bush v Gore, and Citizens United  now makes  racial profiling legal as the red state, republicans cheer, and is another reason to put Marco Rubio on the ticket with Mitt Romney.  Snark

The immediate result is that Arizona can continue to harass and detain Latinos even if it can't deport them unilaterally. Naturally, there are limits imposed by the plain language of the bill, but proving that the effect of this section is to create unlawful racial harassment remains to be proven in court.
While that is being litigated, other red states can pass their own Latino harassment laws, and some may do so. This is bad news for Mitt Romney, who upheld the Arizona law as a model for the country.

Waiting for the next axe to fall....

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