
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Post Mortem Massachusetts Links I Like

For the gop and media, obstrustionism is the new normal. Ain't that a dip? Don't cha wish they had obstructed George W-ar Bush and Dick Dead Eye Cheney like they are obstructing Barack Obama? Think about it.

Digby says dems lost due to political malpractice (I agree), Field Negro wants to know whose I idea it was to run Coakley (I want to know too). Ministry of Truth says this is war! Right On!

Despite the right wing/media spin, Brown didn't win because the majority of Americans are opposed to health care. If that was true, President Obama and his family wouldn't be occupying the White House today. So is Obama going to sleep through his remaining three years or is he going to wake the F*ck up?

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