
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Don't listen to republicans

Why does anyone listen to republicans? I mean, really? They have ZERO, ZILCH, NADA, creditability. History proves they are on the wrong side of every issue. So please tell me why they are allowed to use the public airways to mislead the American people and distort what we decide while liberal/progressive voices are silenced? Why aren't we hearing about the Progressive Caucus Budget to the same degree we're hearing about Paul Ryan's budget proposal?

The 75-member House Progressive Caucus has put out its own budget to counter Paul Ryan's Medicare-gutting GOP plan.

This is more than a fantasy document. It's sound policy. The conservative Economist magazine has called the budget "courageous." As a conversation-starter, it shows that the path out of our debt and deficit quagmire is not as steep as most imagine, and that getting America's fiscal house in order isn't incompatible with making critical investments in jobs and infrastructure.

The budget has more of what Americans say they want — new taxes on the rich and cuts to defense — than either the GOP's or the president's budget. And it has none of what Americans say they hate: changes to the social compact that's guided America from the days of the New Deal and the Great Society.

What's that you say? The Americans want new taxes on the rich and cuts to defense? I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you! That explains why we aren't hearing about it in the media. *Snark*

Let Congress Test Out Paul Ryan's Medicare Plan on Themselves and Their Families: That Would Kill It Right Quick

If the politicians in DC are so serious about deficit reduction, then why don't they start by cutting their own pay, health care benefits and pensions?

Doesn't budget control begin at home?

And if Paul Ryan's Medicare plan is so terrific, why don't Ryan and other Congressional supporters of his budget immediately pass a bill that will replace their health care benefits with the Ryan plan?

In fact, why not run a test program with the Koch brothers, members of their Americans for Prosperity and elderly Tea Party supporters? All of them should volunteer to immediately go on the Ryan Medicare, drastically limited "voucher program" - which would leave a high percentage of seniors unable to afford medical insurance - as sort of a test model of Ryan's plans for privatizing and shrinking Medicare.

Then we can see the actual results of a plan that would raise health care costs by adding the profits of corporations and administrative costs to Medicare, while drastically reducing benefits due to the small amount of money allocated to vouchers for each senior - and the for-profit insurance industry profit motivation to deny as much care as possible.

Why aren't Senator Bernie Sanders and Dennis Kuchinich invited to appear on mainstream media talk shows? I'll tell you why, it's because they might tell the TRUTH.

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