
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I say give the Hateful Haters the keys to car so they can drive the country into the ditch again.

Para quoting my Daddy, the TeaPublicans don't believe fat meat is greasy. We've tried to tell them so let's show them. Let's let the Hateful Haters drive the country into a ditch like drunk frat boys and see if their loyal followers hate President Obama/democrats more than they love themselves and their country.

Let's see how they feel when the republicans say screw you to Tornado victims.

Congressional Republicans are, amazingly, saying that spending to help the victims of the Joplin, Missouri tornadoes has to be accompanied with a spending cut.

Let me repeat: Republicans say that the gods of spending cuts must be appeased before we assist our fellow Americans in a time of disaster. What. The Hell?

Republicans are looking at these people – and saying, well, feed our ideology first.

The Republican party has so far gone around the bend, it’s beginning to resemble an actual monster.

Let's see how they feel when the republicans tell those on Medicare to suck it up and take care of yourself.

At a town hall meeting, Rep. Rob Woodall lectured a constituent about Medicare, saying she should simply take care of herself.

A Woodall constituent raised a practical obstacle to obtaining coverage in the private market within the confines of an employer-based health insurance system: What happens when you retire?

"The private corporation that I retired from does not give medical benefits to retirees," the woman told the congressman in video captured a local Patch reporter in Dacula, Ga.

"Hear yourself, ma'am. Hear yourself," Woodall told the woman. "You want the government to take care of you, because your employer decided not to take care of you. My question is, 'When do I decide I'm going to take care of me?'"

Let's see how they feel as their gop Congress Critter gets richer while they get the shaft.

AP reports that despite banning earmarks, tea party-backed Republicans are planning to quietly funnel millions of dollars to pet projects in their home districts using a mechanism they call "member requests." The difference between member requests and earmarks?
Each addition carries a disclaimer that says a decision to spend these budgetary requests must be based on competition or merit.
Of course, given that Congress controls the purse strings, the Pentagon won't ignore their requests, and Republicans, who are eagerly touting their "member requests" in their home districts, know it.

Let's see how they feel when schools are privatized and unions are defunct.

Let's see how they feel with these clowns in charge.

The Republican Party has changed... drastically, and not just in terms of women's issues. They're no longer even a mainstream party, not even a mainstream conservative party.

Chris_I_Am says VOTE THEM ALL OUT;
Why does the GOP insist on taking from the neediest while refusing to look at increasing revenue by taxing the wealthiest a tiny bit more? I have never disliked a group of people so much as I now do the Republican party. They officially make me sick. Everytime I see these snake oil salesmen and store front preachers it makes me want to destroy the computer. It's not enough that they have our money. It's not enough they have our pride. They now want our souls. And those not willing to give it up, they can starve. These people are would be tyrants and they need the boot. VOTE THEM ALL OUT!!!!!! Send them the message they so rudely sent us. Anybody can get got!

RedEye says VOTE THEM ALL IN and show the American people they are biting off their noses to spite their faces. If we can survive 12 years of Regan/Bush and 8 years of Bush/Dick we can survive the Clowns being in charge for 2 years. I guarantee republicans will be glad to VOTE THEM OUT then.

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