
Friday, May 6, 2011

RedEye's Week in Review

What a week this has been. It began with the intruption of Sunday's prime time line up and surprise announcement of the capture, killing and burial at sea of Osama bin Laden.

The Talking TeeVee Pundit Heads were besides themselves, spinning gleefully the narrative of a a fierce fire fight between Osama and The Navy Seals complete with Osama using a woman as a shield. There was just one tiny problem...the narrative didn't fit the facts, so they changed the narrative to one of vindication and justice for for the victims of 911. Let us not forget this is the same media who enabled Bush and Company to send our troops to war based on DEAD WRONG INTELLIGENCE.

Speaking of our troops and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,what about the over 4000men and women who killed in Iraq and Afghanistan fighting the so called War on Terror? What about the thousands who were wounded and maimed for life? What about the countless innocent Iraqi and Afghan men, women, and children who were killed, wounded, or maimed for life? Where is their vengeance?
WASHINGTON — An exhaustive review of more than 600,000 Iraqi documents that were captured after the 2003 U.S. invasion has found no evidence that Saddam Hussein's regime had any operational links with Osama bin Laden's al Qaida terrorist network.

The greatest threat to America is a misinformed public.
When it comes to creating "facts" out of fiction - through repetition in the corporate media and by the right-wing funded echo chamber - the greatest threat to our nation may come from a misinformed public.

While the mainstream media is focusing on Birthers, Deathers and reliving 911 the right wing is busy waging a war on voting rights,a war against unions and a war on justice.

For Alabama to be second in the nation on religiosity (?) we sure do have a lot of Tornado's. Do you think God is trying to tell them something? Do you think they will listen or will they continue their evil ways?

Time will tell the truth because the media sure won't.

Combined with attempts by Republicans to restrict unions from engaging in perfectly legal political activity, House Speaker Dean Cannon’s move to try and pack the Florida Supreme Court to thwart the will of Florida voters who approved the Fair Districts amendments and to try and game redistricting, and their rush to rake in corporate cash through “buy me, I’m for sale” leadership funds, expect Florida to be one of the nastiest hubs of what’s sure to be an ugly 2012 election.

Lord help us.


yellowdog said...

President Obama had an 'Atticus Finch' moment. When a mad, rabid dog is threatening your community and loved ones, the only thing, and the right thing to do, is shoot it.

I didn't realize what a monster bin Laden had become until I saw the youthful celebrations Sunday night. Ten years ago, these 20-year-olds had seen a random, unprovoked attack on US soil. They saw the horror and fear of their parents. They saw friends join up and die, or come back maimed for life. They had this through their formative years, like we had JFK, MLK, Viet Nam, and Watergate. Bin Laden was a monster.

I understand how we created bin Laden, and Saddam Hussein. I know our terrible record in the Middle East, I know 'chickens come home to roost.' I know Clinton and Bush could have stopped this guy. I know Bush should have stopped the terrorists before they got on those planes.

But I know President Obama did the right thing. Sometimes you have to shoot the rabid dog - and that is exactly what my President did.

Redeye said...

Yellowdog, you and I are going to have to agree to disagree on this issue. All I will say is I am more afraid of the TeaPublicans than I am Al Kita :)

Redeye said...

We are going to have to agree disagree on this issue my friend. Shouldn't it be proven the dog has rabies before he/she is shot? In this case that didn't happen. We had people telling us Osama bin Laden was a rabid dog, the same people that told us Saddam had WMD and other assorted things that turned out not to be true (Pat Tillman, Jessica Lynch). To paraphrase The Gipper "Trust but verify." Actually I'm more worried about the TeaPublicans than I am Al Kita :).