
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Senator Clay Scofield pulls out of Vaginal Probe Ultrasound bill

Snark intended. After being the top story on The Rachael Maddow Show, the Ed Show and The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell, the dishonorable state Senator Clay Scofield is withdrawing  the Let's make State Senator Greg Reed  Richer Bill.  Yep, now Clay say's he will clarify the language and give women the choice between a forced vaginal probe ultra sound, or an abdominal ultrasound before she can obtain a safe, legal abortion.  Bless his heart.

Psst Clay...we choose neither.   Just pull out of our reproductive choices.  You got that?

Let's get something straight about the GOP war on's a war on poor/black/brown women without access to health insurance.   Rich women, or women with access to health insurance won't have to jump through hoops to obtain a safe, legal, abortion.   Nope, it's the poor/black/brown women republicans refer to as having babies so the government can take care of them.  The poor/black/brown  women they don't want to have access to contraceptives or access to quality, affordable health care.

Either the republicans hate poor/brown/black women, or, they want them turn them into Breeders.

Alabama State Senator Hank Sanders tried to tell some of y'all if the republicans took over they were going to take us back to the days of Jim Crow and Slavery.


~Chip :) said...

Right! And the same Republicans who harp about wanting "small government" see no irony on legislating women's reproductive health care, mandating the most invasive acts and how physicians must practice.

That's small government!

Redeye said...

Republicans are not pro life. They are anti choice. Let's start calling it what it IS.

~Chip :) said...

Agreed! And more irony: that those who are anti-choice also call out for "freedom!" All good, so long as it's their definition of "freedom."

At first glance, this doesn't look directly related, but I do think it's notable. From ABCNews article, Money Seems to Matter for Teen Girls, Condoms:

Women with less relationship bargaining power -- and hence limited ability to insist on safe sex -- are particularly at risk of condom nonuse, the authors wrote.

In a way, these girls are trading unsafe sex for money, Rosenbaum said, even though most of them reported being in long-term and monogamous relationships.

"Medical interventions alone will not cure or solve the problem of nonuse of condoms," said Dr. Paula Hillard, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Stanford School of Medicine. "We need societal changes and changes in the messages we provide to adolescent girls. … We need to provide alternative messages about power and self-efficacy that will counter the tendency to succumb to coercive relationships and unsafe sex."

Redeye said...

There is more than a whiff of hypocrisy. ”Consrevative principles” my Donkey.

~Chip :) said...

And it's about to get even more interesting; the Blount Amendment" is going up for a vote tomorrow.

This is a very wide ranging legislative action.

"...Blunt's original bill, which USCCB backs, his exceedingly broad amendment would potentially grant any employer or insurance provider the right to refuse health care service coverage without penalization or discrimination, if they claim doing so is counter to their moral or religious beliefs....

“What the Blunt Amendment would really do is give employers and insurers a license to discriminate and impose their beliefs on employees and policy holders who don’t share them,”....

...deny...employees coverage for contraceptive, but also cancer screening, STD testing, vaccinations, mental health services and medication, maternity care or whatever else he finds morally questionable." (Italics mine.)

Our donkeys, indeed.

Redeye said...

republicans want "smaller government" so they can tell you how to live, how to die, who to marry, who you can have sex with, who to worship, and how many children to have.

~Chip :) said...

All done in the name of "freedom loving," of course.

Redeye said...

I'm beginning to believe they hate us for our freedoms. :)

~Chip :) said...

LOL! Yes, I've heard that somewhere before...