
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Why Is President Obama So Different?

Bill Maher nails it as he questions why Republicans are OK with openly disrespecting President Obama. Gee whiz, what could the reason be?

It's not about disputing President Obama's policies. I'm talking about personal attacks, like Rick Santorum's recent assertion that Obama's "agenda is based on 'some phony theology. Not a theology based on the Bible. A different theology.' He later suggested that the president practices a different kind of Christianity.

'In the Christian church there are a lot of different stripes of Christianity,' he said. 'If the president says he's a Christian, he's a Christian.'"

This coming from an adherent to Roman Catholicism, a religion many believe to be a cult, that is, a phony theology.


Redeye said...

You know the drill...when you don't have an agenda or a plan...resort to suggesting the President is a Muslim...also known as baffling the Suckers with BullPoo so they will vote against their self interest.

BigmacInPittsburgh said...

Rick Santorum,was on the town board of directors here where I live twenty years ago,he was ignorant then as he is now!