
Friday, February 17, 2012

"I solemnly swear to keep women barefoot and pregnant"

From our department of WTF???   Although non of the men pictured above has a vagina, this is the panel convened by Rep. Darrell Issa (r.CA) basically telling women to take an aspirin, stick it between your legs and call me in the morning, because you ain't getting no stinking birth control, and you're not going to have access to a safe, legal abortion either. Women are not relevant.   Republican Men Rule! Snark

Any woman voting for a republican is like a Turkey voting for Thanksgiving, or, a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. 

Psst! Rep. Issa and Company!  If you are against birth control don't use it, and. if you are against abortions don't have one.   You have a choice.  So do women. It's called the Equal Rights Amendment.  Remember?


~Chip :) said...

Special thanks for this cogent and compelling link about abortion.

Not so long ago, I had a conversation with a pair of male anti-abortionists. I was startled to realize that they were oblivious to the concept of abortion as a "medical treatment." Back in the day, women went to disastrous extremes to end an unwanted pregnancy.

As for the Roman Catholic church's no contraception, no abortion stance, I can only say that I firmly hope that those men would be as dogmatic about ending their international conspiracy to protect criminal pedophiles, and instead protect their youthful adherents from sexual exploitation. May the survivors of their despicable, unholy manipulations heal in justice and compassion.

After all, "Hope is an essential and fundamental element of Christian life, so essential indeed, that, like faith and love, it can itself designate the essence of Christianity."

Redeye said...

You are welcome for the link! You can return the favor by telling me how to hyper link in the comment section.:)

~Chip :) said...

Heyya, Redeye, Same way as hyper linking otherwise...come back if not ok?