
Monday, February 20, 2012

It's Presidents Day in America!~Correction

Aren't we lucky to have 4 former Presidents living among us as we celebrate Presidents Day?  Although two out of theweren't my first, second, or even third choice, and I disagreed with practically everything they stood for, I respect the office of the President.  It's too bad TeaPublicans can't, or won't, give the office of the President an iota of respect as long as it's occupied by President Barack Hussein Obama.  You would think he sent our troops to war based on dead wrong intelligence and was selected by the Supreme Court or something.

Since Presidents Day occurs during Black History Month, it's only fitting to acknowledge the fact 8 former Presidents were slave owners.   Slaves not only built the White House and the United States Capitol, but they were also forced to slave inside the White House. This was during the time when whites wanted the government to take care of bluh people.    

I am sharing this Open letter to President Obama from RobM I found in the comment section in the afternoon open thread at Jack&Jill Politics

President Obama
I am sending you $1 today. This is not a donation to your Presidential reelection bid. it is a request you buy me a lottery ticket the next time it reaches $100 million. I have no problem splitting it w/ you and voluntarily paying %30 in federal taxes.
I am sure you are looking at this w/ your W-T-F face the First lady has seen after you come down from talking to PM Netanyahu and are asked to walk Bo. The one where you are thinking I'm been listening to it now I have to go clean it up!
Hopefully, you have gotten past that and are reading the rest of this. I am asking because you know you have to be the luckiest man alive. You are running for re-election after dealing w/ a racist American Taliban and media assault that can not even admit you came into the job w/ the worst possible fires on the stove short of the stove going nuclear on you. You belong to a party that can't organize itself to have a press conference to announce a policy w/o sounding like they are cleaning up after Bo; eyweeww! you have opposition for the job in tow men. One isn't liked by anybody but those w/ money. In fact, he can't even win an election w/o cheating(Maine and Iowa). and now in his 3rd home state, he has to bring in Donald Trump to help beat the Ayatollah. Two, the other is a card-carrying Ayatollah who believes you worship trees. I'll bet there are members of your own party begging you to come campaign in their district just so they can look good by the company they keep, though I doubt they'll let you in the house w/o putting away the silver.
So as you can see there is solid proof you are the luckiest pol ever. I would just like a piece of that change.

PS if you don't want to go to acknowledge this letter by buying a ticket could you at least tell me if this series of numbers work; 3/12/47 & 5/10/58. They are Mittens and Lil' Ricky's birth dates.

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