
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bill Maher: Crazy Stupid Politics

Get the popcorn and enjoy Bill Maher's "Crazy Stupid Politics."

If it hangs on you, note the time when it stopped and reload the page. Happened to me, but it's worth the inconvenience. Enjoy!


Redeye said...

LOL! Thanks for posting this!

~Chip :) said...

Sure. :) Bill Maher is on MSNBC's Chris Matthews and also on CNN's Piers Morgan tonight.

Bill Maher recently gave the Obama Super PAC, Priorities USA, $1 Million. I bet he'll answer the question of why he made that large donation tonight.

~Chip :) said...

Exactly right, Redeye! Here's what Maher said to Matthews:

“I was trying to throw a snowball to create an avalanche here to let the liberals who do think that this is already in the bag – probably because, like me, they watch Hardball every night and they see what idiots these Republicans are – but that’s not how the whole country sees it. And, I promise you, when it comes to election night, it’s going to be neck and neck. It’s going to be a very tight race.”

BTW, Bill Maher will be in Huntsville at the Von Braun Center March 17th, according to his schedule.