
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Elephants, Guns, Voter Suppression and Donkeys, Oh My!

Fist Dap The Pragmatic Progressive

If this political cartoon doesn't illustrate the grand obstructionist party, media infused, Tea Party's,  plan for President Obama's Waterloo, I don't know what will.  It also illustrates how stoopid  they must think the majority of the American people are.   If I hear another Talking TeeVee Pundit Head say "If the economy doesn't improve by the election President Obama is in trouble, blah, blah, blab, blab"  I am going to scream!.  If the majority of the American people fall for the republican Okey Doke we the people will get what we deserve. No access to health care.  No jobs.  No access to a quality public education.  No civil rights. No human rights.  What we will get is a tax cut for rich and all war all the time.

Fist Dap Americans Against the Tea Party

Call me cynical, but could the reason the media won't let us have a conversation about gun laws is because they like massacres for ratings?  If I hear another TeeVee Talking Pundit Head talk about the victims/suspect complete with graphics and a sound track, I am going to scream!

Some of the same people who say more gun laws won't stop real gun violence are some of the same people who claim voter ID laws will stop  the 3% cases of voter fraud.  FYI, in person voter fraud never happens.  Everybody knows the Voter ID law is an attempt by republicans to keep people who vote against them in elections from voting.  When are they going to learn that cheating is not winning? A cynical person could believe the mainstream media  is enabling the gop to steal another election.

Mega Fist Dap to the Madison County Democratic Executive Committee for moving Party HQ from the south side of town where the republicans live, to the north side of town where the democrats live.

What say you?

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