
Monday, October 22, 2012

Preview of the Debate in the Mouth of the Rat

Isn't it ironic the last Presidential Debate between former Governor Willard Mitt Romney and President Barack Hussein Obama will take place in affluent Boca Raton , FL, which means Mouth of the Rat, with an emphasis on foreign policy?

These debates have taught me one thing.  In the eyes of the debate organizers and most of the viewers, the plight of Big Bird is far more important than the plight of my people.

Boca Raton, FL is where Romney was caught on tape at a $50,000 dollar a plate fundraiser making his infamous 47% of voters will vote for President Obama no matter what because they are dependent on government, feel entitled and pay no taxes remarks.

Senator Harry Reid (D. NV) says he has it on pretty good authority Romney is the one who feel entitled and paid no taxes for ten year,  but we will never know, because he won't release his tax returns.

Yes, the man who won't release his tax returns because he's afraid of what Obama will say is barking at the moon, playing the big man on campus in yet another transparent attempt to paint himself as Reagan and Obama as Carter.

Taking a play out of the Reagan vs Carter political playbook, republicans are using current crisis in Libya to paint President Obama as weak on foreign policy.

And, they can't stand they have nominated a clown with no foreign policy experience whatsoever, and who chose as his running mate a man stupid enough to say 'voting to send men to war' qualified as foreign policy experience.

Do you remember republican outrage from republicans over Katrina?

Preview of republican hypocrisy before the debate in the Mouth of the Rat.

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