
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

"We are not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers"


This is the kind of media I wish we had all the time.  Watch Mitt get fact checked in real time.

I hope Candy Crowley doesn't lose her J-O-B because she did her J-O-B.  

BTW, Mitt and Company want to score political points over the President's handing of Libya, they must have forgotten that prior to 9/11 George W. Bush got a Presidential Daily Briefing from his National Security Adviser that said that  Osama bin Laden determined to attack inside the U.S., and on 9/11 he was in Florida reading My Pet Goat to school children while the country was under attack.

I'm just saying.....


Anonymous said...

Great reminder! What came to my mind was W's Katrina response.

Anonymous said...

Great example. What came to my mind was W and Katrina.

Redeye said...

Thanks for the reminder!

yellowdog said...

The very scary part is that Romney has any credibility at all.

After the decade-long financial collapse beginning under Bush 2.0 and Enron we are just now recovering from, Romney has the nerve to say in front of the people of the United States of America that his math adds up, "I'm a CEO, I'm from business, I'm from the private sector - trust me!"

I would personally like to believe this buffoon is not electable, but not so long ago Bush 2.0 won twice.

As Bill Maher repeats, "Never underestimate the stupidity of the American people."

Since they don't pay attention, are we doomed to repeat?

Redeye said...

"I would personally like to believe this buffoon is not electable, but not so long ago Bush 2.0 won twice."

I'm don't believe Bush 2.0 won twice and that's what scares me.

Anonymous said...

Bush didn't win twice, and that's what scares me! At the risk of being tarred and feathered, I'll say it: Bush stealing the 2000 election harmed our country more so than 9/11.

Redeye said...

I agree Havalittletalk, now Romnry and the media are rling out the same people why used our grief over 9/11 to take us to 2 wars. It is like Deja Vodoo all over again.