
Friday, September 20, 2013

Biting off your nose to spite your face, Proceed Republiklans

Armed with rightous indignation, misinformation, and down right hatred, the republican controlled house of mis representatives voted to cut food stamps to cut $40 billion dollars in food stamps with the misguided misconception they are sticking it to the food stamp President in the name of the Lord.

Psst!  President Obama is not on food stamps, will never need food stamps and has access to the best, quality, affordable, health care our tax dollars can buy.  So do the Congress, Senate, The Koch Brothers, and the Talking TeeVee Pundit Heads.

You see, Right-wing Snake Oil Salesmen and greed driven Hucksters like Ru$h, $ean,, Bill O'Rielly, and other RW Lords of Loud,  have convinced their base  the majority of welfare recipients are lazy promiscuous black women in the inner city, popping out babies like rabbits and turning government cheese vouchers into gold chains and plasma screen televisions.

But here's the rub, more red state white people  depend on the Government to take care of them than black and brown people.  You know why?  Because white people make up the majority of the population in the south.
 The actual facts about welfare have always been pretty clear; whites and children are the greatest recipients and beneficiaries of various programs, but that’s not good fodder for talk radio.  From the beginning of government sponsored welfare programs, discriminatory policies were enacted to keep blacks off the rolls (like excluding farm workers and domestics in the 1950’s) and even once those policies were removed media and politicians, especially on the right, insisted on maintaining the myth that the face of poverty in America was a black thing.
I wonder how long it's going to take for the Suckers to realize they've been Suckered?  I wonder when the House of Reps GOP grow a pair and take their party back from the TeaPublicans?   I can't wait for their base to start feeling the pain and suffering black/brown/poor people have been feeling for decades.  I don't think their gerrymandered districts are going to be able to save them from the wrath of We the People this time.
"For those of you who are tired of hearing about racism, imagine how much more tired we are constantly experiencing it." - Barbara Smith

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