Read all about it. H/T Reactionary
Congressman Mo Brooks received a standing ovation from more than 300 people at the Madison County Republican Men’s Club breakfast this morning.
Congressman Brooks spoke about the “Obama Kill Jobs Bill” and the futility of trying to compromise with people who have an “aberrant ideology”. Mo may have said “abhorrent” – either adjective is correct when describing the left…
The futility of trying to compromise with people who have an abhorrent ideology??? Po Mo must have the the democratic party confused with the republican party.
"I mean has anybody been watching the debates lately?" Obama said. "You've got a governor whose state is on fire denying climate change. "It's true. You've got audiences cheering at the prospect of somebody dying because they don't have healthcare. And booing a service member in Iraq because they're gay."
And Mo calls democrats abhorrent? I wonder how many of those cheering republican men work for the Government or are Government Contractors?
Mo said what?
Congressman Brooks contrasted the 4.5% national unemployment rate in November 2006, before Democrats took the House (Nancy Pelosi) and Senate (Harry Reid), with the 9.8% unemployment rate in November 2010, saying that the “philosophy of government changed radically”. Brooks blamed “Obamacare, class warfare, and extreme environmental regulations” for the “seven million jobs lost” under Democrat rule.
Brooks said “three straight years of trillion dollar deficits… risk government insolvency”. Brooks favors cutting “consumptive, not productive” programs, such as “unearned wealth transfer programs”. Brooks pledged to “do everything I can to protect national defense”.
Brooks noted that the “Obama Kill Jobs Bill” includes “tax increases on oil companies”, which would result in “domestic oil jobs lost” and “raise gas prices”. Brooks said that the “Obama Kill Jobs Bill” would “add to the national debt”, ”increase lawsuits” (due to unemployment status), and “create two government agencies”.
So, according to Mo, it's those abhorrent democrats fault his pals Bush and Dick borrowed money from China to spend on all war all the time. I guess It's also democrats fault Bush and Dick raided the surplus to give their rich cronies a tax break.
Brooks favors cutting “consumptive, not productive” programs, such as “unearned wealth transfer programs”.
Translation- tax the poor, raise taxes on the middle class, cut taxes for the rich.
Brooks pledged to “do everything I can to protect national defense”.
Translation-Money for bombs, but not one dime for books, health care, Social Security and Medicare.
“Free enterprise versus Socialism”.
Translation-The rich get richer while the rest get the shaft.
And Mo says democrats are abhorrent?
Yay Mo.
An Illegal Alien, a Muslim and a Communist go into a bar.
The bartender asks: "What can I get you, Mr. President?"
"Well, there's a certain mean spiritness that's out there, not only in Alabama but it's in America. And that makes this election extremely important."~Alabama State Senator Hank Sanders
"Well, there's a certain mean spiritless that's out there, not only in Alabama but it's in America. And that makes this election extremely important."~Alabama State Senator Hank Sanders
and entitlement and a double standard and black racism! That does make this election important to vote for anybody but obama!!!!!
Black silence in the face of black racism has to be one of the biggest betrayals of the civil rights struggle that included black and white Americans.Walter E. Williams
Is Fox News softballing Obama?
Why isn’t Fox News railing about “Fast & Furious?’ Fox waited months to print this story and only placed it on their secondary website aimed at the TEA Party movement.
Many believe Fox News could completely derail Obama over this issue, but they seem unwilling to give it the attention it deserves.
“Fast & Furious” was a classic “false flag” operation to justify taking away the rights of American citizens. The Obama administration was selling guns to Mexican drug gangs. They only used guns that could traced back to the United States. Then they were saying that Americans needed to relinquish their 2nd amendment rights to “stop Mexican drug gangs from getting American guns.”
At least two members of American law enforcement have been murdered with these guns. The Mexican government estimates 150 Mexican citizens have been murdered with these guns. Estimates as to the total number of guns run as high as 30,000. The Obama administration has admitted to about 3,000 guns being illegally sold to Mexican cartels.
From Fox Nation…
Operation Fast and Furious began in October 2009. In it, federal agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives encouraged gun stores to sell weapons to an arms smuggling gang, then watched as the guns crossed the border and were used in crimes. Each month, the agency allowed hundreds of guns to go South, despite opposition from some agents.
All told, the gang spent more than $1.25 million for the illegal guns.
In June 2010, however, the ATF dramatically upped the ante, making the U.S. government the actual “seller” of guns.
According to documents obtained by Fox News, Agent John Dodson was ordered to buy six semi-automatic Draco pistols — two of those were purchased at the Lone Wolf gun store in Peoria, Ariz. An unusual sale, Dodson was sent to the store with a letter of approval from David Voth, an ATF group supervisor.
Dodson then sold the weapons to known illegal buyers, while fellow agents watched from their cars nearby.
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