
Monday, November 28, 2011

"What happened to Democrats?"

This is the question posed in the headline by reporter Keith Clines on the front page, below the fold, in Sunday's Huntsville Behind The Times.

HUNTSVILLE, Alabama - Roger Jones, Tommy Ragland and Mark Craig, Billy Bell and Jim Smith are all white male Democrats holding local elected offices - a categorization that now puts them on the endangered species list.
Men like them once ruled the Earth - or at least politics in Alabama and Madison County - but the atmosphere and the electorate have changed.
A local Democratic Party leader and three elected Democrats have their own ideas about why their numbers are dwindling. Tagging local Democrats with labels associated with the national Democratic Party's position on issues is chief among the reasons cited.

Translation? White, male democrats would rather switch parties or retire than stand up for the rights of women, labor, our LBGT sisters and brothers, minorities, immigrants, public education, public school teachers, access to health care for all Americans, jobs, civil rights and human rights.

This is what the national democratic party stands for.
For over 200 years, Democrats have stood for the idea that wealth and status should not be an entitlement to rule. Democrats recognize that our country and our economy are strongest when they provide opportunity for all Americans—when we grow our country from the bottom up.

Democrats stand for an abiding faith in the judgment of hardworking American families, and a commitment to helping the excluded, the disenfranchised and the poor strengthen our nation by earning themselves a piece of the American Dream. We remember that our country was sculpted by immigrants and slaves, their children and grandchildren. Even today, it is our diversity above all else that provides us with our enduring strength.

Democrats believe that each of us has an obligation to each other, to our neighbors and our communities. Each of us has a role to play in creating our future—and while we have made great progress as a nation, we know that our work is never done.

I say good riddance to the white, male *ahem* democrat who can't and won't stand up for democratic party principles, because IMHO they were never real, democrats in the first place, they were infilTraitors. Just like the kid who jumps in the neighborhood pool and pi$$ in it.

So now that we know how white dems really feel what are we going to do about it? Are we going to roll over and play dead or are we going to rise up and fight?

I am begging to be a part of a group that stands up for what is right. I thought that becoming a democrat would start me on that path, but all I got was volunteer to help a candidate. A candidate for governor that I only supported because I was trying to do what the party wanted. I saw Republicans standing on street corners, on the radio, really doing something, and all I saw democrats do was have "get to know you" parties. Maybe I haven't met the right people, maybe because I am a student my time is limited; all I know is that I wanted to do something that made a difference, like the group of people from the civil rights movement, and I thought democrats were the group that did things like that, I was sorely mistaken. I will NEVER vote Republican again, but right now I am disillusioned with our President for caving to the Republicans. I cannot believe that our country is headed down a path of such narrow-minded ideals that are driven by complete lies.

To be clear, republicans don't win because they are right (pun intended), they win because they are willing to fight by any means necessary. republican voters are motivated by a steady stream of misinformation, bigotry and mean spirited rhetoric. If this is what white, male, dems want to associate with I say have at it.

republicans got us into this mess. Remember?

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