I can't say I was not surprised by the latest round of vile name-calling, vicious personal attacks and personal insults hurled at me by the Attack Machine. I will confess to being hurt by them. Just because I'm black doesn't mean I am not a human being with human feelings and emotions.
When the Attack Machine refers to me as (pick one) moron/ignorant/lazy/idiot/stupid/dense/racist they really want to call me an Uppity N-word, so they might as well get it off their chest and just do it.
Winning is everything to the Attack Machine. They think the only way they can "win" is to attack the messenger because they damn sure can't defend the message.
The Attack Machine uses intimidation as a tactic to shout down and drown out the opposition.
This is who they are. This is what they do. This is why they win and we lose. And therein lies the difference between them and us.
While Democrats worry about appearances.
Wisconsin taught us the same lesson that should have been learned over and over again the last decade or so. From the Clinton impeachment, to the Florida 2000 debacle, to the Iraq war, to mid-decade restricting, to judicial nominations, to the health care fight, to repeal of the Bush tax cuts. Republicans will do whatever it takes, by any means necessary, to win. When faced with the same situation, Democrats will agonize, wring their hands, rack themselves with guilt, and seek "fairness" and "compromise." Maybe, just maybe, that's why Republicans seem to win most of the battles, while Democrats lose them.
The Attack Machine is begging for a banning Why? So they can play the victim card. They will wear their banning like a badge of honor to inflate their sense of self-importance.
I broke down and cried when I read the following comment by Yellowdog. It is the poignant reality of what I'm up against, what I stand for, and who I am. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Yellowdog, for being my friend and supporter. You will never know what it means to me. You get it.
I am pretty sure Redeye has experienced the other side of many things, including being censored, edited, bullied, banned from blogs, not to mention what to write about, how to make entries, and even how to spell.
As much as our visiting trolls would like to pass on their white supremacist fear mongering, I think Redeye is a perfect example of the historic tolerance of the Black American experience in the face of slavery, discrimination, legal injustice, and ongoing defacto racism to this day.
The fact that Redeye is reluctant to do to others what has been done to Redeye speaks of depth of character.
Most of us recognize there are real battles out there in the world. This blog and this media forum is not reality and the voices that pop in probably would not behave as badly if they were sitting in your living room.
But they do inform us as to what they really think, which confirms what we really think.
Once the trolls understand irrelevant disrespectful ugly behavior is not acceptable, maybe they will get back to the real issues or go away. And comment on the topic. Allow a dialogue and discourse on the real world. Seek understanding and unity, not incivility and division.
And know liberal/progressive/Democrats don't roll over!
I invite readers to read Why I carp and whine and why I wish I didn't have to, a very personal diary for more insight into why I am not afraid of The Attack Machine, and why I keep HOPE alive, thanks to the encouragement of GrannyStandingforTruth.
Redeye, you ever watched a stone cutter at work before? If so, have you ever noticed how he chips away some of the stone a little bit at a time. When he begins, with the stone it does not look like much and from the looks of it, he has a long ways to go. Yet, when he finishes it, it is a beautiful work of art.
Racism is like that in some ways. We might not see the end results in our lifetime, but if we keep on chipping away at it, the future generation will see it. Moses led the people of Israel on a journey to the promise land, but he didn't get to see it. However, his work was mighty because he led them out of captivity, bondage, and helped free them.
We have to occupy just to make it today.
I have begun to realize that Redeyes opinions are engrained and will never change and neither will folks like Black D or Yellowdog. I would like to know about the new rules and deleting comments etc. If I call someone a name or say things that get under your skin or speak the truth I will or may be banned or the comments deleted? I also understand that if you call names or Yellowdog or Black D. (which he/she has been doing since the new rules) their comments will stay up! Which brought me to think like Redeye Yellowdog and Black D……? Is it because the post by blacks is ok and the ones by known whites (Dale J. Fed Up Anonymous) are not!! I guess I need to call Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, the N.A.A.C.P., the S.P.L.C., and the A.C.L.U. etc. WAIT maybe not!
I am wondering if you will bash Richard Showers on his latest ethics violation! What about the North Huntsville Gangster shoot out at the Richard Showers center?
“First they ignore you.
Then they laugh at you.
Then they fight you.
Then you win.”
@Fed Up: "I also understand that if you call names or Yellowdog or Black D. (which he/she has been doing since the new rules) their comments will stay up!"
With the above statement, you have certified yourself to be a true Republican [name calling].
Most Republicans [name calling] make things up [an accusation], and ascribe to others their own shortcomings [an accusation].
Reading back over the comments I've made recently, I find that I was facetious a couple of times, but nothing so egregious as to substantiate your claim of name calling, "which he/she has been doing since the new rules."
Fed U., look to your own behavior and civility, and I'll look to mine. You don't have to set yourself as blog minder. I believe that's the preserve of the blog host.
Did you really delete my response to this post about me? That is some cowardly stuff.
I deleted your comment because it contained name calling, personal attacks and insults and did noT address the substance of the post.
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