This is what democracy looks like? “Bloomberg pays his hypocritical respects to democracy and reason, when in fact his authority is nothing but an extension of the rule of capital.”H/T Black Agenda Report
The Rude Pundit says (edited)This is not your Effing Movement; This Is Our Effing Movement: Long Live the Occupation (With or Without Occupying) Updated:
The b#@%ards may have taken down Oakland, Portland, New York City, and other occupations in what is increasingly clear was a coordinated attack on the movement by city halls and, perhaps, really, the Department of Homeland Security. But f#@k them. There's still many, many OWS protests around the nation, sea to shining motherf#@kin' sea.
Showdown in Philly, PA Trade Unions give Occupy Philly An Offer It Can't Refuse
With a $55 million construction contract “imminent” for Dilworth Plaza -- home since early October for Occupy Philadelphia – the city trade unions and those in Occupy Philly determined to hold-out in the Plaza have arrived at a showdown.
White, Mormon, male, gop, Presidential candidates~Good. African American, Muslim, I mean Christian, democratic candidate~Bad.
Unintended Consequences My Donkey! This is what happens when the High (sic) Court Strikes down the gun ban in the District of Colombia.
Even firing into an president-less White House is intended to send a message. It doesn't matter whether the president was around to bear witness to it or not. I'll count this as an attempted assassination.
I'm telling y'all....protest is the NEW BLACK! 13 in Alabama Jail Over Immigration Law Battle.
In Alabama, people are speaking out against the state’s controversial immigration law, H.B. 56. The legislation is considered the toughest in the nation in targeting illegal immigrants. It requires that law enforcement check the immigration status of persons thought to be in the country illegally. Basically, it’s your standard racially profiling law targeting brown people, migrants, and those that are probably a little too fluent in the Spanish language. ::sigh::
Get your Satire On!
How's that Grope and Change working out for you? In three short years this country has gone from Hope and Change to Grope and Change. Ain't life odd?
Will the real republican candidate please stand up? The search for a legitimate Republican presidential candidate has turned into a mockery; instead of talking about working together to fix legitimate issues, the election process is being used as a marketing technique for those to get their name out there to sell books and increase their speaking fees.
Meanwhile Politico investigates why Obama Hates America.
We must laugh to keep from crying.
Ask the Republicans in Congress, "Where are the jobs?" Ask the ADP, "Where are the candidates?" h/t piggieheart for the best comment of the day, week, month, year, decade, and the century.
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