
And contrast
Anyone but me notice the *ahem* similarities?
One blond, attractive, articulate, female accuses the black (yes, I'm playing the race card) republican Presidential candidate of making unwanted sexual advances towards her and the white, I mean right-wing attack dogs circle the wagons, play the race card, attack her attorney, call her a broke, desperate, liar, working undercover for Rick Perry/Rham Emmanuel/the media.
And Republicans say they have better blacks than democrats? Contrast the black republican Presidential front runner jobs plan snark,
Compared to the African American democratic Presidential front runner's American Jobs Act the GOP is blocking and obstructing because they think the majority of voters are suckers (pun intended).
republicans impeached President Clinton for trying to conceal a private, consensual, oral sex act from his wife, daughter, and the country. Remember?
President Bill Clinton's administration created 22 million new JOBS.
Compare and contrast that.

And contrast
One blond, attractive, articulate, female accuses the black (yes, I'm playing the race card) republican Presidential candidate of making unwanted sexual advances towards her and the white, I mean right-wing attack dogs circle the wagons, play the race card, attack her attorney, call her a broke, desperate, liar, working undercover for Rick Perry/Rham Emmanuel/the media.
It has been interesting, if also predictable, to watch conservatives reacting to the Herman Cain sexual harassment allegations discover the horrors of anti-black racism. After all, they’ve spent the past three years claiming that the real victims of racism in the United States are white.The other blond, attractive, articulate female accuses the white (race card again) democratic Presidential candidate (yes, I'm bringing party into this) of being her lover for 12 years, complete with audiotapes and the white, I mean right-wing and the media goes wild.
After Bill Clinton denied having a relationship with Flowers on 60 Minutes, she held a press conference in which she played tape recordings she had secretly recorded of phone calls with Clinton.[2] Clinton subsequently apologized publicly to Mario Cuomo for remarks he made about the then-Governor of New York on the tapes. However, news reports at the time speculated that the taped phone conversations between Flowers and Clinton could have been doctored.[2][3] Clinton aides James Carville and George Stephanopoulos also backed this claim as well.[4] George Stephanopoulos later claimed in a 2000 interview with journalist Tim Russert that "Oh, it was absolutely his voice, but they were selectively edited in a way to - to create some - some impression." [5]
And Republicans say they have better blacks than democrats? Contrast the black republican Presidential front runner jobs plan snark,
“He suddenly reached over and put his hand on my leg under my skirt and reached for my genitals,” said Bialek, a Chicago native who worked for the foundation for roughly six months in 1997, according to the Restaurant Association.“He also grabbed my head and pushed it toward his crotch.”
When she arrived in Washington to meet Cain, Bialek said she found he had upgraded her hotel suite. Cain took her to dinner at an Italian restaurant, then drove over to see the National Restaurant Association headquarters. But Cain stopped the car outside the group’s office and made an advance, she said.
Bialek says she told Cain at the time: “What are you doing, you know I have a boyfriend, this isn’t what I came here for.”
Bialek said Cain said, “You want a job, don’t you?”
Compared to the African American democratic Presidential front runner's American Jobs Act the GOP is blocking and obstructing because they think the majority of voters are suckers (pun intended).
The purpose of the American Jobs Act, which President Obama sent to Congress this week, is simple: put more people back to work and put more money in the pockets of working Americans. The President's plan will rebuild the economy the American way -- based on balance, fairness and the same set of rules for everyone from Wall Street to Main Street.
The American Jobs Act reflects a commitment to strengthen the recovery and help increase access to jobs for all Americans.
republicans impeached President Clinton for trying to conceal a private, consensual, oral sex act from his wife, daughter, and the country. Remember?
President Bill Clinton's administration created 22 million new JOBS.
Compare and contrast that.
republicans impeached President Clinton for trying to conceal a private, consensual, oral sex act from his wife, daughter and the country. Remember?
No, I don't remember that at all.
What I remember is that Republican and 5 Democrats impeached President Clinton for perjuring himself before a Federal grand jury of the United States regarding the nature and details of his relationship with a subordinate Government employee (Article I); and for engaging in a "scheme designed to delay, impede, cover up and conceal the existence of evidence and testimony related to a Federal civil rights action brought against him [by Paula Jones, who later received a settlement of $850,000 - remember?] in a duly instituted judicial proceeding." (Article III)
Here's a link to the Approved Articles of Impeachment.
"[T]rying to conceal a private, consensual, oral sex act from [your] wife, daughter and the country" is not a high crime and misdemeanor. Perjury and obstruction of justice is another matter altogether.
That's what I said. republicans and five demoRats impeached Clinton for trying to conceal a private, consensual, oral sex act from his wife, daughter, the country and the world.
As for Paula "fraudulent lawsuit" Jones, she got paid.
I guess it depends on what your definition of perjury IS. :)
So, if getting paid $850,000 after filing a lawsuit consitutes fraud, what would you call a five-figure settlement where no suit was filed and no liability was admitted?
It doesn't much matter what my definition of perjury is (or yours, for that matter). The legal definition of perjury is:
When a person, having taken an oath before a competent tribunal, officer, or person, in any case in which a law of the U.S. authorizes an oath to be administered, that he will testify, declare, depose, or certify truly, or that any written testimony, declaration, deposition, or certificate by him subscribed, is true, willfully and contrary to such oath states or subscribes any material matter which he does not believe to be true; or in any declaration, certificate, verification, or statement under penalty of perjury, willfully subscribes as true any material matter which he does not believe to be true.
The operative phrase is "any material matter." Clinton was free to lie all day long about his sexual escapades - as long as he didn't say it under oath and it wasn't material to the case at hand.
Morale of the story: Don't do anything you wouldn't want splashed across the front page of the New York Times. But it you do, make sure you don't get sued for it (or for something that would render it material).
The moral of the story is republicans and 5 demoRats impeached Pres. Clinton for trying o conceal getting oral sex from that woman Monica Lewinsky from his wife, daughter and the world.
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