
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

RedEye Around
I canceled my subscription to the Huntsville Behind the Times when they gave Dale Jackson a column so he could continue to misinform the uninformed, choosing to read the Decatur Daily: The Independent Voice of the Tennessee Valley instead, but two articles on caught my attention and made me do a double take.

First Take:
"I don't usually write about race.
As a Christian, I don't like to give a lot of power to such division. The Bible makes it clear that there's only one race – the human race."
These are the words of Anthony Cook, the community news director for and the Huntsville Times, and the same Anthony Cook who explained why The Huntsville Times risk tainting its brand by associating itself with the likes of Dale Jackson, but as a Christian" he doesn't like to give power to such division by writing about race.

If Christians can't write about race who can?  I mean really?

Take Two:
“We have a lot of parents who bought into the Alabama Accountability Act, and thought they had guaranteed rights that don’t exist,” said McCaulley.
Correction, Ms. McCaulley, we have a lot of poor/black/brown parents who thought they had guaranteed rights that don't exist, affluent/black/brown parents are laughing all the way to the bank.  Maybe if you'd had some town hall meetings and explained the situation to your constituents they wouldn't think they had guaranteed rights that don't exist.
Despite Alabama law allowing all students to flee “failing” schools, Huntsville will not allow hundreds of requested transfers.
“Under the Alabama Accountability Act,” said Superintendent Casey Wardynski, “we don’t have to do any.”
In fact, district officials say Huntsville will grant just eight Accountability Act transfers this year, or one fewer than the number of “failing” schools in the city.

If there was every any doubt the quality of education in Alabama depends on what zip code you live in all you have to do is read this, this, and this. I pity the poor/black/brown parents and students of Alabama.  Really, I do.

That is all.  For now.


Unknown said...
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Redeye said...

Your comment was deleted because you resort to name calling, insult and lies when the substance of your arguments fail. Stop that and we will be fine.