I wonder what part of the 2012 election was a referendum on the Affordable Health Care Act (aka ObamaCare) and we won, don't the Suckers understand? I mean, really? Alabama Governor Robert Bentley (r. Tuscaloosa), who has access to the best healthcare our money can buy, announced his plans to reject key provisions of the Affordable Health Care Act while the citizens he's supposed to serve are suffering. Congress Critter Mo Brooks (r. 05), who also has access to the best healthcare our money can buy, keeps voting to keep the Suckers, I mean, his constituents from having access to the same quality Affordable Health Care.
Bentley and Brooks aren't representing the majority of Alabamians, no they are pandering to the the small, vocal, well funded, percentage of Alabamians who hate President Obama, who also has access to the best health care our money can buy, more than they love themselves.
And republiklans call themselves pro-life? More like pro-death. GOP Lawmakers, and I use that term loosely, can pretend they care about the well being poor children but we know that's a L-I-E.
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