
Saturday, January 11, 2014

They are who/what we thought they are

"One of the things we can't do is, we can't let them distract from what we're all about, and what we're trying to accomplish. We're trying to keep the focus on comprehensive, universal health care reform, and they're going all over the place. They are desperate, uh, they don't have leadership, uh, they really don't know what to do, and so, I think we're going to continue to see a lot of crazy things happening, like all of the, uh, outrage that has been demonstrated at these town hall meetings, like the kind of statement that Congresswoman Jenkins made, and let them define themselves, let them reveal who they are. 
The American public needs to see that."~Congresswoman Maxine Waters D. California
"I'm sick of republican apologies where they pretend to be the victim."
A real and sincere apology focuses on the real victims of an event by recognizing what they've suffered, not on delivering a self-serving diatribe on how they, themselves, have been affected.
That is all.  For now.

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