
Monday, January 16, 2012

"Best Country in the World?"

I don't celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday as a holiday  because it reminds me the reason he is not here on earth is because he was murdered in Memphis, Tennessee standing with striking sanitation workers.

The gop Presidential candidates chose this day to hold a debate in South Carolina of all places. I can't wait to see how many times they mention MLK, or not.

 Here is a preview.

Newt will try and tell the audience they didn't hear what they heard him say about black folks and food stamps.

Rick Santorum will deny he called black folks lazy .

Ron Paul won't be asked about the racist newsletters published in his name.

Willard "Mitt" Romney won't be asked about the curse of blackness and talk about how his father marched with Dr. King....or not.

Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day?

I think NOT.


Black Diaspora said...

John King did ask Gingrich if he wished to respond to his ex-wife's claim that he asked for an "open marriage."

He didn't, but he did.

Redeye said...

That was John Kings first mistake....asking Newt if he wished to respond. :)

Looks like Newt will win the battle in South Carolina. I guess he waved the Confederate flag the highest. Snark

Redeye said...

You can call them what they are....SUCKERS, and yes I feel sorry for them.

"Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do."