
Thursday, August 30, 2012

One more night and we'll be free from the fakery

One more night and the We hate Obama more than we love our country convention will be over.  I must say it's been fun watching the Talking TeeVee Pundit Heads bending over backwards ignoring the real stories to make this election about two viable candidates for President.

Now more than ever I am convinced Mitt Romney and the GOP, enabled by the media, either have amnesia, or they think we are Suckers.

Have they forgotten the Bush and Dick Doctrine that sent our troops to a stupid war for stupid reasons?   Do they expect the American people to endorse borrowing and spending for all war all the time while exploding the deficit again?  I mean, do they really  believe they can lie their way into power, again ?

Stay tuned, tonight Mitt Romney will try and make the American people forget he is the 5th amendment President while the media drives the getaway car.

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