Three against Two at Senate Hearing on gun violence
"My problem with background checks is you're never going to get
criminals to go through universal background checks," Wayne LaPierre, CEO and chief lobbyist for the NRA, said at a Senate Judiciary Committee
hearing on gun violence, the first since President Barack Obama laid
out new measures to curb gun crime. "None of it makes any sense in the
real world."
"Mr. LaPierre, that’s the point. The criminals won’t go to purchase the guns because there’ll be a background check. We’ll stop them from original purchase. You missed that point completely. It’s basic." Senator Dick Durbin (D.IL)
The shooting death of 15-year-old Hadiya Pendleton came up in a U.S. Senate hearing and a White House press briefing Wednesday.
"She was an honor student and a majorette," said Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Illinois. Performing at
inaugural events last week "was the highlight of her young, 15-year-old
life," he said.
“I bet there are people on our side that can’t believe Obama won because everyone they know voted against him,” Graham said. “The point is that
we have different perspectives on this.”
"Thank you for inviting me here today. This is an important conversation for our children, for our communities, for Democrats and Republicans.
Speaking is difficult, but I need to say something important. Violence is a big problem. Too many children are dying. Too many children. We must do something. It will be hard but the time is now. You must act. Be bold. Be courageous. Americans are counting on you. Thank you."
GRAHAM: Well I hope your right, but I can tell people throughout this land,
because of the fiscal state of affairs we have, there will be less
[SIC] police officers, not more, over the next decade. Response time are gonna be less, not more. So, Captain Kelly, I really do want to get guns out of the hands of the wrong people. I honest to god
believe that if we arbitrarily “say nobody in this country can own a
10-round magazine in the future, the people who own them are the kind of
people we’re trying to combat to begin with.” There can be a situation where a mother runs out of bullets because of something we do here.
“Young women are speaking out as to why AR-15 weapons are their weapons of choice,” said Trotter. “The peace of mind that she has knowing that
she has a scary-looking gun gives her more courage when she’s fighting
hardened, violent criminals.”
At this moment you have an outraged public against the gun profiteers and the gutless politicians. I believe in the end the people will win.
Today's Must Read
Growing up around guns and owning them as an adult affords a person memories and experiences that strangers to guns may have trouble understanding. The divide is phenomenological, not political (or not political until it gets to be), like the gulf between those who’ve had sex and those who haven’t or those who smoke and those who’ve never lit up. Pulling a trigger and being prepared to do so cuts patterns in the self. Depending on the nature of your social life, which time around guns can shape and color in ways that I’ll describe, you might forget that these patterns are even there, because you’re surrounded by people who share them—until someone or some event challenges you to answer for your thinking.