
Friday, March 23, 2012

Geraldo Rivera: Hoodie ‘allowed’ Zimmerman to kill Martin | The Raw Story


Redeye said...
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Redeye said...

I am more afraid of someone wearing a police uniform than I am of someone wearing a hoodie.

~Chip :) said...

First, argh. If I forget to sign into email before posting, it is all lost. Argh.

As a hoodie wearer, I'm more afraid of police than I am a hoodie wearer.

That said, after a protest a police officer cautioned me to be careful about sidewalk breaks as I was using a cane. We chatted a moment, and he said that many police officers supported the protest. Suddenly, a police car pulled up and the officer gazed off. I knew our conversation was over, and shuffled on.

But, for a few moments, we made a human connection. :)