
Monday, March 26, 2012

George Zimmeman shot and killed Trayvon Martin because he was suspended from school for 10 days

In an attempt to demonize Trayvon Martin and defend his killer, authorities in Florida leaked to the press, the reason Trayvon Martin was in Sandford, Florida visiting his Father,  instead of at his home in Miami Florida, and I for one am glad they did. 

The Miami Dade School system suspended Trayvon Martin for 10 days because (get this) traces of marijuana was found in a plastic baggie  in his book bag.  Not a gun.  Not a knife.  Not a bomb. Not actual marijuana, but  traces of marijuana in a baggie in his book bag.

 It is a documented fact Black kids are punished/expelled/ suspended in schools  more than white kids in South Florida.  I would be interesting to find out how many white, male students were suspended for the same reason.  

If Trayvon Martin had been allowed to attend school in Miami, of in Orlando, George Zimmerman wouldn't have   stalked  and shot him him dead..  Of course he might not have been safe from being shot at school either.  

I don't care if he had actual marijuana in a baggie in his book bag, Trayvon Martin did not deserve to be gunned down like a rabid dog, and it's certainly not a reason for George Zimmerman not to be arrested.

It's been 28 days and counting since George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin was killed in Sanford Florida because he'd wasn't in Miami, FL.

Today's Must Reads

Spend Money on Schools Instead of the War on Drugs.

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