
Monday, March 19, 2012

To be young, gifted, black, male, and suspicious

It's been 21 days and counting since George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin for being young, gifted, black, male, and suspicious.

It's been 21 days and counting without wall to wall, 24/7 media coverage, and calls for justice for Trayvon Martin  from Nancy Grace and Company.

It's been 21 days and counting, Trayvon Martin's killer has not been arrested by local, state, federal authorities.

It's been 21 days and counting since an American child was killed in America for being a child.

Today's Must Reads
What if Charlize Theron had adopted Trayvon Martin not Jackson?

Real Talk:  Trayvon Martin isn't the first victim, and he won't be the last.

Arrest warrant issued for WR Terrell Owens.

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