
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The No ask No Mo Brooks town hall meeting at Alabama A&M University

 Brooks Hugine Alabama A&M President Andrew Hugine, right, introduces U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks at a town hall meeting on the AAMU campus. Hugine also presented Brooks with an Alabama A&M football helmet to display in Washington as well as a pair of AAMU cuff links. And it shifted an auspicious start to the meeting as the audience serenaded Brooks on his 59th birthday.

 Now isn't that special? 

 Congressman Mo Brooks (r.)  argued that North Korea is "rationally crazy" while Iran is "irrationally crazy."  during  a town hall meeting a historically black Alabama A&M University.  That's not all he said, but that's what focused on because  questions about threats to national security were out of the ordinary for for Brooks' town hall meetings. 

I don't know if the questions were out of the ordinary for Brook's town hall meetings or not because this is the first and only town hall meeting Mo has held in north Huntsville.  It was also my  first, and probably last, Mo town hall meeting.  No new information.  Same old republican talking points.  Same old video presentation.  The only difference was the time, the place, and the audience.

Speaking of the time, place and audience, although the event was held at 3:00 PM on a work day and you had to be screened,  there were about 40-50 people in attendance, mostly Alabama A&M faculty and staff, very few students.  The refreshments were coffee and punch.  The Q&A session was more non answering by Mo than questions.

For example, when asked if he would do more town halls in north Huntsville, Mo said he would "if he were asked".  Now why do residents of  north Huntsville have to beg, I mean, request a town hall meeting from their Congressman?

When asked what was his position on gun control legislation, he said (para quoting) he was a strong supporter of  the right to bear arms, and because of that right the American people never have to fear their government.  What that has to do with gun control legislation I will never know, but one thing to note, in order to attend the town hall meeting of a public official, at a public University, everyone was screened at the gate, and no weapons are allowed on the campus.

When the only plan your party has is to obstruct the President, I mean, our country, what do you talk about?  The national debt of course.  Mo informed the audience their share of the national debt was $55,000 each, and his grand children's share was $275,000 each.  When asked who we owed said debt to, Mo said he didn't care who we owed the debt to, he was more concerned that we didn't create more debt.  Huh?

I left the No ask No Mo town hall meeting asking myself why I bothered.  Mo doesn't have to work with the President to create jobs.  He doesn't have to be accountable to all the voters, just the ones that voted for him.  All he has to do is bash and block the President, and falsely accuse him of running up the national debt and he has a government job, government health care, and a government pension for life.

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