First I was banned from the AL.com forum because I opposed George W. Bush's policies, especially the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Then I was banned from Left in Alabama because I didn't support Artur Davis for Governor of Alabama.
Next I was banned from The Attack Machine for defending the feckless leader of a failed party. Now I've been "un" friended (yes I know that's not a word) by a friend on face book and removed from their Yahoo group because I stood up for Dr. Joe Reed and Nancy Worley. Sigh
The funny thing is it's OK for them to attack Reed and Worley and accuse them of corruption, racism, bigotry and everything else under the sun, but when I defend or rebut the charges made against them I'm attacking democrats and being divisive.
There is a lot of misinformation being spread that needs to be cleared up. The Alabama Democratic Party isn't in debt because Joe Reed is borrowing and spending money like there is no tomorrow. Most of the debt stemmed from elections before Kennedy’s tenure and from former Gov. Don Siegelman’s failed drive for a state lottery in 1999.
It's not true no one wants to lead the Alabama Democratic Party because they don't want to bow down to Joe Reed.
Birmingham attorney Ed Gentle had sought the chairmanship, but Worley said Gentle decided not to take the post on a judge’s advice because of his work as a special master in a couple of cases involving politics.
It's not true donors won't contribute to the ADP as long as Joe Reed is in control with no accountability.
“I can tell you we are broke, but today I’ll remove two of the brokes,” Worley said.I could care less about being banned from the AL.com forum and The Attack Machine because I expect them to close their eyes, ears, and mind, to people who don't agree with them, and you would think I would learn by now real friends respect each others opinions and treat them as equals.
Worley said some donors stepped up "to keep the doors open for the party" and the rent is now paid through June at the party headquarters in Montgomery.
“We are working the bills down as we can get money,” Worley said.
Worley said about half of the party's $500,000 debt dates back to the 1999 lottery referendum when the party spent considerable funds on get out the vote efforts.
I've discovered a disturbing pattern in all of this...don't like what I'm saying, ,on't want to heari it.........shut me out and maybe I will go away. If that doesn't work..... shut you down, or worse.
I still believe we should test the theory that all will magically be right (pun intended) and white men will flock back to the party, a new generation of leaders will emerge, candidates will run for office, and donors will dig deep into their pockets if the Alabama Democratic Party got rid of Joe Reed and his bunch.
While the ADP is destroying it's on the Roberts Court is poised to strike down Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. I'm going to say as an African American I feel like I'm under attack not only by the republicans, but the democrats too. Republicans don't want us to vote, and some democrats (not confused with all) don't want us to have any power. What to do and where to go?
In any event I'm through with the ADP vs ADM psycho drama and moving on to something important.
Black leaders plan caravan in support of Voting Rights Act.
The National Coalition of Leaders to Save Section 5 announced on Tuesday that Farrakhan would join them for a June 14 caravan and pilgrimage that will stop at 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, at the Shelby County courthouse in Columbiana, at the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, and conclude with a 4 p.m. event at the state Capitol in Montgomery.The caravan will start at the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama where four little girls were killed when a bomb exploded during Sunday school class, in the state where their killer died after serving 6 months in prison, and the 85 year old father of one of those girls is serving time in prison convicted of bribery and conspiracy in 2007 for his role in the Jefferson County sewer scandal.
I wouldn't want to see/hear/think about stuff like this either.
RedEye tiptoeing away from the computer to 'Comfort the disturbed, disturb the comfortable' one blog post at a time.
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