
Thursday, April 14, 2011

By George I think they're getting it!!!!!

Dare we HOPE the real republicans are waking up and smelling the Tea Bags?

Looks like the light bulb clicked on bright for this righty regarding TeaPublican Paul Ryans voucher for Medicare plan.
Maybe a little harsh, but the reality is that we should at least be honest about what the GOP is proposing. The reality is, from what I gather, is that Medicare pays around 70% of seniors medical bills right now and Ryan’s voucher will cover about 30% Where will these seniors get the additional revenue to pay for their healthcare?

I'm glad you asked that question...the seniors won't get additional revenue to pay for their healthcare....therein lies the problem.

Are they finally waking up and realzing the Tea Party are hyprocrites?

I clearly remember the series of raucous rallies throughout the spring and summer of 2009 by people calling themselves ‘Tea Party Patriots’, who claimed they were following the example of the “founding fathers” by attacking government in order to “restore democracy”. Given the groups avowed ideological perspective, you would think they’d be averse to violating a basic tenet of democratic government that propelled the original Tea Party – no “taxation without representation”.

How paradoxical then that House Republicans – goaded by the Tea Party – have summarily nullified the will of the people. I’m referring to the people of Washington, D.C. who once again have been reminded of their status as second-class citizens subject to the whims and fancies of Congress members who view the District as their laboratory for experiments in social engineering. In this political equation, the votes of a few House members count far more than the many thousands of voters of our nation’s capital, a significant portion of whom happen to be poor black people.

Remember how the Alabama gop said they wanted to take out the trash in Montgomery because the Democrats were ethically challenged and corrupt?

More than $13 million from the Alabama Department of Education has been paid since 2008 to a group with strong ties to the Alabama Republican Party--all without the approval of the state school board. And who is at the heart of this little scam? Why, none other than GOP operative Dax Swatek, who has ties to such conservative luminaries as Bill Canary, Karl Rove, Jack Abramoff, and former Governor Bob Riley.

Also in the middle of it all is House Speaker Mike Hubbard (R-Auburn), a longtime Riley backer. Alabama Republicans have claimed that the Riley administration was untouched by scandal. This story, broken by Bob Lowry of The Huntsville Times, might lay that canard to rest.

And how is this for GOP hypocrisy? These are the same Republicans who claimed it was unethical for a Democrat to work at a two-year college while also holding a seat in the legislature. They even came up with a clever term for it--double dipping. The scam that involves Hubbard and Co. makes "double dipping" look like recess.

Are they finally realizing they've been p'unked?

It's pretty clear that the Tea Party members are being set up for a big disappointment. There is little chance that the politicians they are supporting are going to do what the members think they're going to do once in office. The members might supply the votes, but the big corporations behind so many of the things that the Tea Party members hate are the ones supplying the money and organization. These politicians, once in office, will understand that the big money can go after them just as well is it went for them this time, if they don't do what they're told by their big corporate founders. But on the other hand, there will be lucrative lobbying jobs waiting for them if they play along. They are going to disappoint the Tea Party members, no question. What will Tea Party members do then?

What indeed.


Anonymous said...

"Dare we HOPE the real republicans are waking up and smelling the Tea Bags?"

Dude, don't say it like that!LOL!

Redeye said...

Sorry I couldn't resist the pun. LOL! But is was a false alarm anyway. They are still voting against their self interest.