
Sunday, April 10, 2011

We Won A TeaPublican Gang Banging

Comment of the week;
Even more frustrating is the fact that, once again, the republicans are driving the debate. Two years in and it is obvious that this president is either 1-A bad negotiator or 2-A Capitulator of major proportions. No wonder he's lost the excitement of the majority of folks who got him elected.

Obama Caved Once More and Right-Wing Bullies Will Continue to Hold the Nation Hostage Again and Again
When I was a small boy I was bullied more than most, mainly because I was a foot shorter than than everyone else. They demanded the cupcake my mother had packed in my lunchbox, or, they said, they’d beat me up. After a close call in the boy’s room, I paid up. Weeks later, they demanded half my sandwich as well. I gave in to that one, too. But I could see what was coming next. They’d demand everything else. Somewhere along the line I decided I’d have a take a stand. The fight wasn’t pleasant. But the bullies stopped their bullying.

Deja Voodoo all over coming again in May
Congressional Republicans are vowing that before they will agree to raise the current $14.25 trillion federal debt ceiling — a step that will become necessary in as little as five weeks — President Obama and Senate Democrats will have to agree to far deeper spending cuts for next year and beyond than those contained in the six-month budget deal agreed to late Friday night that cut $38 billion and averted a government shutdown

The Real Speaker of the House is the Tea Bag Gang

“John Boehner is having a difficult time in his caucus ….” Oh, really? Then someone should tell him that He’s in charge and stop trying to appease the Tea Bag gang in his caucus, take them to school and tell them to shut the hell up and go pound sand, or they don’t get a second term on the Hill. Period.

That kind of leadership was the reasons the public respected Tip O’Neill and Nancy Pelosi. Their caucus knew who was in charge.

Avoiding the Government Shut down was good....for John McCain

President Obama has brokered a deal between the Democratic-run Senate and the Republican-run House that avoids a shutdown of the federal government, while also stripping the bill of issues such as Planned Parenthood funding and decisions about the EPA’s authority.

Yet somehow, I’m seeing from some – particularly Ezra Klein, who should honestly know better – that this was a bad deal for the President

Curtis Abby at Progressive Electorate takes us Professional Lefty's to task
But look at all the venom now that we're reaping the results of our big loss last fall. Everyone wants to focus on the President, but what did we do last year?

What more could we have done? That is the question.

What could we have done is more of the question instead of what did we do. We did our part. We voted. We blogged. We organized. We wrote letters to the Editor. We went door to door. We contributed. What more could we have done?

THIS is what President Obama should have said

"Look, I'm not thrilled with how this came together, but I was negotiating with rabid conservatives and didn't want a shutdown. If folks wanted a better outcome, voters shouldn't have elected intemperate children to run the House of Representatives. Don't blame me for your bad decisions."

That's how you handle Bully's Mister President, Sir.

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