
Thursday, April 14, 2011

What POTUS should have said

Good afternoon, the gop infused, media enabled, Tea Party want to destroy and discredit me because I am the countries first African American President.

They also want to make sure the rich the get richer and the rest of you get the shaft.

They want to cut Social Security and Medicare.

They want to make sure if you get sick you die quickly.

They want to make sure only the privileged have access to a quality education.

They want to make sure we have all war all the time, unfair and unbalanced.

They want to make sure workers can't organize and form unions.

They want to make sure poor women can't chose to have a safe, legal abortion.

They want to make sure we have debt as far as the eye can see.

You're either with them or against them.

Good day and God Bless America.

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