
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Resorting to Racism and Bigotry to win the day

There are legitimate reasons to oppose President Obama's agenda, but I hate seeing the republicans, enabled by the mainstream media, resort to racism and bigotry to win the day.

There is a segment in this country who simply cannot, and will not, accept the fact Barack Hussein Obama is the duly elected President of the United States of America. Sarah Palin was the first to put a pretty face on the voice of bigotry. Donald Trump, Michelle Beckman and others jumped on the bandwagon enabled by the media.

Just as former President Clinton's personal life was a distraction from the real issues facing real people, President Obama's birth certificate is the latest distraction for the real racism. No other President, or Presidential candidate, is being asked to produce their birth certificate. Senator John McCain was not born in the USA, but no one cares. Why? Because he's not an African American that's why.

So now that we know it's the stoopid racism Could we maybe get a discussion about race right for once?

I don't care what's in your heart. If you say something that is racist or maybe forward an email that is racist, I don't care if you're pure of heart and have black friends. It's about what you did, not who you are.

It would help if the mainstream media would stop giving the racist a platform
To MSNBC: Just get rid of the racists. Pat Buchanan needs to go and Breitbart should not be allowed to appear on any one's show to pimp a book which is an intellectually dishonest screed about how devoted Breitbart is to the truth. This is not free speech suppression. It's simply NOT NEWS.

It would also help if African Americans weren't Locked Out of cable and mainstream media newsrooms, blogs and radio.
Simply put, the typical guest on a cable news show is white and male. This becomes stark when we compare the proportion of white men to the proportion of minority women:

Why do Tea Party rallies get so much media attention, even when their gatherings appear to be shrinking in size?

That is because the corporate mainstream media has a bias toward covering protests from the right, but virtually ignores progressive

If President Obama had been booed at a Town Hall meeting yesterday there would have been breathless, wall to wall, coverage in the mainstream media.

As long as the media continues to enables racism and bigotry it will continue to win the day. Instead of talking about how the proposed budget cuts will adversely affect low income and disadvantaged citizens the media would rather focus on Donald Trump. And as Lawrence O'Donnell said, that's what is dangerous.

There is something very ugly in what Donald Trump is doing, and it is built on a base of racism and paranoia. I'm not saying Donald Trump is racist or paranoid. He doesn't have to be to do the damage he is now doing to this country. He just has to be vulgar enough to keep barking out the lies that the racist, paranoid, Obama haters want to hear. And in doing that for them, on major network television talk shows, he legitimizes their feelings, their hatred, their racism. The millions out there who seethe with the madness Donald Trump stokes watch him and say, 'Hey, it's not just me who thinks this, Donald Trump thinks this. And he's a smarter guy than me and I know he's a smarter guy than me because he says he's a smarter guy than me. And he's made a lot more money than me, and that proves he's smarter than me.'"

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