
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Deal or No Deal?

Well it's the morning after the Knockout-Dragout, Thrilla in D.C. but it's hard for me to to tell who won and who lost. I'm beginning to think it was we the peeps who lost.

President Obama discussed the significance of the deal in his weekly address.

“This is good news for the American people. It means that small businesses can get the loans they need, our families can get the mortgages they applied for, folks can visit our national museums and parks, and hundreds of thousands of Americans will get their paychecks on time – including our brave men and women in uniform. This is an agreement to invest in our country’s future while making the largest annual spending cut in our history.”

Oh really? I wonder what part of the banks aren't making loans to small business doesn't the President understand? I wonder what part of families aren't applying for or getting mortgages because they have NO JOBS? I wonder what part of families can't afford to visit our national museums and parks because they have NO JOBS? Investing our countries future is one thing but what about investing in the present?

The President stressed that some of these cuts would be “painful” as programs people rely on will be cut back and certain infrastructure projects will be delayed. However, President Obama urged that a tightening of the budget is necessary for the future:

Ya think it will be painful to Seniors when they can't afford heat and cool their homes? You think it will be painful to head start children? You think it's going to be painful for Medicare and Social Security recipients? You think it's going to be painful for low income families? You think it's going to be painful for public school teachers and unions?

“And beginning to live within our means is the only way to protect the investments that will help America compete for new jobs – investments in our kids’ education and student loans; in clean energy and life-saving medical research.

Living within what Effing means?????!!! What Effing new jobs????!!!! Our kids already have student loans with NO JOBS to pay them back!!!!! What good is life-saving medical research if you can't afford to get sick because you have NO JOB?????!!!! What part of that don't you understand?

Reducing spending while still investing in the future is just common sense. That’s what families do in tough times. They sacrifice where they can, even if it’s hard, to afford what’s really important.

Uh, NO Mister President, Sir. Reducing spending while Americans are suffering is dumb, stoopid and mean. Families are sacrificing, strike that families are struggling every day just to survive.

The TeaPublicans won last night.

I have to rescind my assessment last night that John Boehner got nothing out of the late negotiations on the 2011 budget. Apparently, he won the restoration of a ban on the District of Columbia spending its own money to help poor women attain abortions. President Obama and the Democrats had lifted that ban earlier in his presidency, and now it is back. Boehner also won funding for the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, which spends federal money on private schools in the District. In addition to these concessions, there is another rider that was left unresolved. Will the DC government be able to spend money on a needle-exchange program? The answer will come out of negotiations between the House and Senate. So, it appears that DC Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton's fears have been realized; as the District took the hit for a budget deal. It's one more example of why they need voting rights and autonomy. For a ninety-percent Democratic city to have to suffer the indignity of being governed by a bunch of conservative Republicans (even in part) is intolerable. Having said all that, I am not impressed with the interpretation many progressives are taking on these negotiations.

The Republican Budget Plan to Kill Medicare Gets Vote Next Week

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan proposed a budget plan for 2012. It's scheduled for a vote next week. Among its features: Ending Medicare and gutting Medicaid.Ryan calls his plan "The Path to Prosperity." For who? No surprise here: it calls for further tax reductions for corporations and wealthy individuals. He claims to be saving Medicare, notwithstanding his plan would push tens of millions of people over the financial edge.

A government shut down was averted last night, but was that a good thing?

1 comment:

Redeye said...

Comment from my inbox
Republicans are exactly what you teach your children at a young age not to do…”Not to lie to get what you want!”

Where were the Tea Party Republicans in January 2001 when the debt was $5 Trillion, did they not care about your children and grandchildren, or this country?

Economics 101: The economy of the United States of America is based upon the “Free Enterprise System.” Also, because humans interact within this system, this type of system must be regulated to curb greed from destroying the system. Within this system, People go into business to provide goods and services to others who will pay money to obtain these goods and services, this is the incentive that causes people to go into business! This is how businesses make a profit to stay in business and to provide themselves with an income.
If the Government gives businesses a profit absent of an increase in goods and services, Humans will have no desire to spend that money to increase profit unless: Their profit is already at or close to zero and they do desire to stay in business, and if they are required to repay the gift at a future date.

If the government giving people money will cause them to do what is correct, then, each high school student that graduates from High School with a “B” average in mathematics and physics should have their college education paid for 4 years in Engineering and Mathematics at the best Universities in the United States. Not only college expenses, but food and housing and transportation also, with no future repayment.

Since giving people money is all that is needed, in 30 yrs we should be a country of Engineers and Mathematicians!

Of course we know this does not work because we’ve seen it in action. When it was done, the Debt of the United States increased exponentially!

Then what is the objective of Tea Party Republicans? Their objective, as discerned from their actions, is to reduce the size of your government interaction in your life activities, to the size of a cup of water and pour it into the Ocean!

Aren’t they, the Tea Party Republicans good people? Of course they are, they are just good people that are looking out for themselves… Number 1. To exist with them you must be “…As wise as a serpent, but as harmless as a dove!”
This country is the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. It took that to build a great country. It will take the same to prevent greed from destroying it!

I say, since we know repubicans are liars why are we always trying to appease and enable them?