
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Non Apologetic "Socialist"

Let's just cut to the chase and stop the pretense. The words Socialist and Socialism didn't appear in our lexicon until Barack Hussein Obama was elected President of the United States of America. Calling him a Socialist is an acceptable slur because calling him the N word is not.

Former MSNBC Host Carlos Watson said it first which is probably why he's a former MSNBC host.

What concerns me is that in some of those town hall meetings including the one we saw in Missouri recently where there were jokes made about lynching etc, you start to wonder whether in fact the word socialist is becoming a code word, whether or not socialist is becoming the new N-Word for frankly for some angry upset birthers and others, I hope that’s not the case, but that sure does say to you what David Brooks said the other day on T.V. which is that more credible conservatives have to stand up and say there’s a line that has to be drawn, that there’s a line of responsibility, that’s important that extends to the words we choose including how choose even legitimate words like “socialist…
Calling his agenda Socialism is an acceptable slur because it's code for lazy, shiftless, baby making, black folks that want the government to take care of them (social programs). Rush, Sean and the other Lords of Loud use the public airways define Socialism as the use of taxes and government entitlements (welfare) to redistribute wealth from the rich(white) to the poor (black/brown). If the media we had would do it's JOB and use the public airways to inform the public instead of keeping the dumb bigots in line we wouldn't be in this mess.
The media who can talk at nauseam about balloon boy, can’t seem to put together a complete educational story about crap that really matters. Instead the media, and their overpaid experts, who opine about everything irrelevant, have yet to correct or educate anyone on one broken record statement; “Obama is moving America towards Socialism.” It really irritates me that none of these overpaid “news” celebrities even bothers to deal with “what is Socialism” and “are we really going there?”
I bring this up now because our illustrious Congress Critter from the 5th district Mo Brooks was forced to retract the socialist comment from his House floor remarks but he's not sorry. I'm not surprised Mo is not sorry. I'm just sorry my progressive, informed, involved friends help send him to Washington D.C. in the first place. I tried to tell them, but did they listen to me? Noooo. That would have been too much like right (pun intended), but I digress.

Ironically, candidate Mo Brooksand I had the following exchange on Flashpoint blog regarding his anti socialism platform
Commissioner Brooks,
Would you be so kind and define/explain/clarify specifically what you mean by your assertion “the American economy is threatened by the twin evils of unsustainable budgets and socialism”? What unsustainable budgets and what socialism?
His response was to refer me to his website (thanks but no thanks), bash Pelosi and Obama, and an invitation to call him. But, he had this to say when pressed for specifics by someone who wanted to support him.

The beauty of the free enterprise system is that it will take care of economic matters by itself if we elect leaders who both understand how the free enterprise system works . . . and have enough confidence in our free enterprise system to let it work.

The free enterprise system has served America well for more than two centuries (and made us, for roughly sixty years, the world’s greatest economic power).

And yes, we should have let the bad banks fail. The government should never reward failure with tax dollars. If the federal government had stayed out of it, the banks that were doing things right would have survived and purchased the assets (primarily customer base) of failing banks . . . and everything would have worked itself out. And everyone would have been reminded that the price of failure is failure. Not reward.

As for GM, the same principles apply. Although we should note that it was government interference in the free enterprise system (examples: extraordinary tax burdens on GM and/or wrongful interference with the natural balance between labor unions and management) that led to GM’s demise. Had “know-it-all” and/or pandering politicians not intervened and made GM uncompetitive, it would still be thriving (with no taxpayer intervention or subsidies).

If my economics degree at Duke University (with highest honors) taught me anything it is this: no one group of people (i.e. – the government) is smarter than the collective knowledge of everyone who participates in and makes decisions concerning the free enterprise system. Anyone who believes our government “leaders” are smarter than the collective wisdom of everyone else in America gets the failures they deserve

Stated differently, I know I’m not smarter than the collective wisdom of the free enterprise system. Hence, I know that it is best to defer to the solutions and innovations the free enterprise system ultimately creates.

Government’s role should be very simple and very limited. Get out of the way except in the most extraordinary of situations (an example of proper government interventionism is when competition has been replaced with monopoly or similar anti-competitive practices).

Non apologetic Mo is hosting a WVNN Legislative Get Together at the Melting Pot of all places on May 13, 2011. I think all non apologetic socialist should attend and say it loud,

We're Socialist and Proud!

I believe in nationalizing banking.

I believe in nationalizing energy. Oil, ng, electricity generation.

Added to our already nationalized...


Edit: to clarify and correct my OP the following are mostly under the control of state and or local governments. However many listed below do receive funding from the federal gov't.

I believe in government for the people, by the people.

Free and fair elections. Hand counted paper ballots.

Ban corporate person hood.

Use anti-trust laws to break up mega corps and multi-nationals.

Ban corporate campaign spending.

Eliminate the disgraceful wealth divide in America.
- fair, progressive taxation of the super wealthy.
- pass and sign Employee Free Choice Act into law with a strong card check provision.
- a government with the backbone to protect a workers right to organize, and enforce labor law.
- ban of all federal funds to states with 'Right to Work'(for less) laws until they repeal these anti-worker laws.
- creation of a workers Bill of Rights.

End all foreign wars of Imperialism.
- America's war against the poor in Central and South America.
- Close the School of the Americas
- Close Gitmo
- Close our 700+ international military bases spread all over the globe. Bring EVERY soldier home.

Reduce our so-called "defense" budget by no less than 50%.

Invest in America's aging infrastructure- rail, mass transit, high speed, light rail, city bus, roads, bridges, water, sewer, high speed Internet, electrical grid, seaway, PUBLIC EDUCATION.

There is no greater investment that a government can make in it's people than public education. Access to a quality education for ALL is a basic human right. Is there anything that can enable and empower a person to be self-sufficient better than access to a quality education?

Perhaps, affordable access to health care.

Single Payer Universal Health Care for all, and nothing less.

Affordable housing. End homelessness - a growing tragedy.

Feed the hungry.

I believe that democratically elected representative government can prevent us from being a 3rd world nation.

I don't pretend to speak for all socialists. Many here may disagree with my stances. What I listed above are just some of the reasons why I consider myself to be a Socialist.

I am a proud Socialist.

Socialist to the bone!

I will take my Socialist beliefs to my grave and make no apologies for them.

See you the Melting Pot Mo. I'll be the one wearing the Socialist T-Shirt, :)


Anonymous said...

The thing is... There's a very big difference between taxation and publicly funded programs/projects and outright socialism. Socialism is everyone getting paid the same despite their work and having the exact same resources. We're a long way from that, and I hate to tell you this, but so are you.

Just because some dipshit Republican can't look up the proper definition of a political philosophy doesn't mean you have to embrace it. If they started using "Nazi" to describe union sympathizers, you wouldn't embrace that, would you?

And despite their claims, they're not capitalists, either.

As to Mo Brooks... He has to go and meet with his constituents in Tennessee.

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Redeye said...

"Just because some dipshit Republican can't look up the proper definition of a political philosophy doesn't mean you have to embrace it."

I agree, but someone should tell the media to stop embracing it and call it what it is.

I'm glad Mo is meeting with constituents in Tennessee because he sure isn't meeting with his constituents from North Huntsville. Oh I forgot. They are a bunch of Socilism loving Socialist. :) I hope they all show up at the Melting Pot on May 13 wearing their Socialist T shirts.