
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A long over due RedEye Rant

Why did I wake up this morning to see TeaPublican after TeaPublican all over the TeeVee spouting the same, tired right wing lie.... "now is not the time to raise taxes" over and over again, in a pre emptive strike against President Obama's speech tonight.

WTF were the Democrats? WTF weren't they allowed on TeeVee to complete the sentence.."now is the time to make the rich pay their fair share of taxes"? Publius IX is right (no pun), What We've Got He-ar is a Failure to Communicate. Until and unless Democrats demand equal time in the mainstream media the TeaPublicans are going to continue to control the message, thereby controlling the outcome.

The media wants the message be Obama is going to raise your taxes. Dumb and Dumber hear this on the TeeVee and get all riled up. They don't know the republicans are fighting to keep the Bush tax cuts for the rich intact. They don't know if the rich paid their fair share we wouldn't have a budget deficit, we would have a surplus (remember Clinton?)

I'm pi$$ed President Obama and the democrats threw the citizens in Washington D.C. under the bus for political gain. I agree with Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton, D.C. residents should tell Congress to go straight to hell. President Obama may have averted a government shut down, but what if the residents of D.C. shut down the city? What if they cut off the water and electricity to the capital? I'm just saying...

I'm pi$$ed the senate will vote tomorrow on the TeaPublican amendment to defund Planned Parenthood.

One of the less loathsome aspects of the deal Obama and the Democrats cut with the GOP was to allow an open vote on one of the less rational strategies in the Republican Party war against women: defunding Planned Parenthood. Pence's amendment passed 240-185 on February 18. Right wing Michigan freshman Justin Amash voted "Present," 7 Republicans-- Charlie Bass (NH), Judy Biggert (IL), Mary Bono Mack (CA), Charlie Dent (PA), Bob Dold (IL), Rodney Frelinghuysen (NJ) and Richard Hanna (NY)-- voted with the Democrats, and 10 anti-Choice fanatics on the Democratic side voted with the GOP:

Dan Boren (Blue Dog-OK)
Jerry Costello (IL)
Joe Donnelly (Blue Dog-IN)
Dan Lipinski (IL)
Mike McIntyre (Blue Dog-NC)
Collin Peterson (Blue Dog-MN)
Nick Rahall (WV)
Silvestre Reyes (TX)
Mike Ross (Blue Dog-AR)
Heath Shuler (Blue Dog-NC)

You know something is wrong when Alan Simpson starts speaking truth to power. I wish he would talk to his girl Michelle Bachman and The Donald and put the Obama Birth Certificate Bull Poo to rest once and for all. Speaking of the double standard, remember how White House Environmental Advisor Van Jones was fired because he signed a 911 petition? Remember how Dan Rather and CBS producers were fired over the George W. Bush Alabama National Guard Service (or lack thereof)?

We now have mainstream media and punditry giving credence to a "both sides" meme regarding President Obama birth certificate making it acceptable to openly question whether the President is a citizen with an air of legitimacy. Notice how the mainstream media didn't entertain a "both sides" meme about Bush and Van Jones? I'm just saying...

Speaking of giving credence to a "both sides meme", I tried to tell y'all Alabama 7th district Congress Critter Terri Sewell was Artur Davis in designer pumps, but did y'all listen to me? Noooooo. As a matter of fact I was booted off the front pages at Left in Alabama for my *ahem* efforts. But it looks like I've been vindicated. And if that's the case, may I please have my posting privileges at Left in Alabama restored?

RedEye Rant over and out. For now.

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