
Saturday, April 23, 2011

If President Obama is a one term President it will be his own damn fault

My friend piggieheart with the help of Rachael Maddow connect the dots and make a compelling case why President Obama is well on his way to being a one term President

What piggiehart said;
Watching the Rachel Maddow show a few nights ago I became aware of something I should have seen for myself.

I have known for some time that the crazy birthers are trying to get "Birth Certificate " laws passed in state legislatures to require proof of citizenship from every candidate wishing to appear on the presidential ballot in that state.

And, living in certifiably nuts Alabama, I am certainly aware of "Voter ID" laws making their way into the legal code of all the crazy states.

All I am going to say is President Obama has no one to blame for himself because the first thing he should have done after he was sworn into office on January 8, 2008 was to restore honesty and integrity to the United States Justice Department.

But did he do that? Hell to the NO. His first act was to clear Republican Senator Ted Stevens. Meanwhile the former Democratic Alabama Governor Don Siegelman languishes in the wind and other Alabama Democrats are still under attack.
Obama moved with alacrity to replace GOP political puppet Alice Martin in the post of U.S. Attorney for the Northern District. However, as I have noted elsewhere, his inexplicable, and inexcusable failure to replace Republihack Leura Canary in the Middle District remains an open wound on the soul of Alabama, exuding a purulent Niagara. Allowing Canary to remain in office while she shamelessly uses that office to launch political attacks on the President’s own party, suggests nothing less than an Administration that doesn’t know the basic mechanics of government and politics. At a purely political level, this attack on the Alabama Democratic Party, sanctioned by this President and his Attorney General through their inaction, threatens decades of progress in placing black hands on the levers of power in this state. For all its faults, and they are legion, the Alabama Democratic Party has given a real seat at the table to Alabama blacks, in the form of some of the most powerful committee chairmanships in the Legislature. These include, but are not limited to, Sen. Hank Sanders of the Senate Education F&T, and Rep. John Knight of the House Government Appropriations Committee.

If President Obama is a one term President it will be because of his depraved indifference . He turned HOPE into NOPE especially for black folks, in a misguided attempt to appease white folks.
President Obama seems positively eager to dismantle the safety nets put in place in the Thirties and strengthened by a Black-led movement in the Sixties. He calls it “Winning the Future” – a future that “holds nothing but further pain and decline for Black America.” By virtually all indices, Black fortunes have plummeted under the First Black President, whose policy is to let the (chocolate) chips fall where they may.

President Obama will be a one term President if he continues to ignore labor and public workers unions and allow republicans to attack Democracy.

Although much of the conversation about the new Republican governorships and state legislative majorities in the US has focused on Wisconsin, Ohio and Florida, the new Republican governor of Michigan, Rick Snyder, and the Republican state House and Senate majorities have been busy as bees proposing or imposing a host of new changes to how state government works. One of these changes has been the ability for the State of Michigan to grant executive powers to emergency managers for municipalities, not just school boards, which allows the emergency financial managers to eliminate collective bargaining contracts. It also allows earlier appointments of such managers, before a municipality asks for one or declares bankruptcy.

The next thing President Obama needs to do is put the media in check and stop letting them control the message because he/she that controls the message controls the outcome. So far the media has done a pretty good job of downright ignoring and enabling the republicans to obstruct and deny what we the people voted for in November. Instead of reporting on Sarah Palin, Donald Trump, the Birthers, Charlie Sheen, Lindsey Lohan and the Royal Wedding, they need to start using the public airways to tell the TRUTH about Paul Ryans plan instead of gushing over it.

By now you might have heard that the Republican budget plan proposed by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) wants to eliminate Medicare as we know it and to give hundreds of billions of dollars in tax cuts to U.S. billionaires —paid for by raising taxes on the middle class and slashing services to families that our economy has left behind. You might also have heard that, in spite of all the pain Rep. Ryan’s plan would inflict on regular families, it makes almost no progress in reducing the federal budget deficit by 2021.

But did you also know that Ryan’s plan will strip bare investments in innovation and competitiveness that are critical to long-run growth and prosperity in the U.S. economy?

Psst President Obama! If you had listened to us Professional Lefty's maybe you wouldn't be on your way to Waterloo.
It's time to kick some A$$ and take control of the right wing media narrative. Right now internal polls are showing the gop/infused Tea Party is going to beat the crap out of democrats in the mid term elections because they have managed to fire up a segment of the American people who would rather not have access to health care, tax cuts for the rich, and all war all the time than have a democratic, African American President. It's the old bite off your nose to spite your face syndrome.

Don't get me wrong, if the choice is between re-electing President Obama and some Batsh#t Crazy Teapublican, I'm going to cast my vote for President Obama because I don't have a choice. But is that what we want the legacy of the first African American President to be?

I sure HOPE not.

I foresee something happening within my lifetime that I had thought would be two or three generations from now, and that is people in the streets of our cities in greater numbers than the War Protesters of the sixties and seventies. I foresee civil disobedience and civil unrest unlike anything we have seen since the War of Southern Intransigence. And that might not be a bad thing.

Hope I'm around when it starts!

I HOPE we're both around when it starts my friend.


yellowdog said...

If I live in a jack-booted fascist state run by a vast corporate oligarchy, President Obama could be a one-termer.

In the last 2 years, we have had some very nice progressive, liberal legislation, and President Obama is taking what he can get.

This is not the lesser of two evils, not when we have real evil trying to take over. Somewhere along the line, the Republican Party sold it's soul to the devil, and they think the average American is going to follow them straight to hell!

On this most hopeful annual occasion of Christian faith, I would hope real Christians can see the truth of the Republican ideology of hate and self-centeredness, the antithesis of the message of Christ.

I hope.

Redeye said...

I still believe in a place called Hope Yellowdog, and I agree President Obama has to take what he can get. The problem is we the people aren't getting much of anything.

Keep hope alive my friend. Keep hope alive.