
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Redeye's Sunday Morning Roundup and Recap

Alabama State Senator Hank Sanders and others are fighting the scheme to diminish the vote of African Americans in Alabama.

Last week I was in Washington, D.C. fighting to keep our vote meaningful here in Alabama. I, along with others, met at the U. S. Department of Justice to challenge a scheme to diminish the vote of African Americans in Alabama. No, they did not shout, “You can’t vote.” Their scheme just diminishes our ability to organize our votes in meaningful ways. We must forever be vigilant for such schemes. They are always being hatched and raised.

This scheme was coated in the veneer of ethics. It sounded so good in the media. We are all for ethics but it must be more than skin deep. And it must never be a cover for vote diminishing schemes. We must forever be vigilant.

Arkansas latest in series of defeats for voter photo ID bills
This week, a senate committee in Arkansas' state legislature rejected a bill that would have required voters to show photo ID at the polls.

The Arkansas vote was the latest in a string of defeats for voter photo ID bills, which state Republicans have aggressively pushed in over a dozen states this year.

Legal Schnauzer says Just when you think the Obama administration's performance on justice issues in Alabama can't get any worse . . . it does.
Now we know why Obama waited more than two years to nominate a replacement for Bush appointee Leura Canary in the Middle District of Alabama. He apparently planned to nominate someone who is almost as bad as she is . . . so, why rush it?

Well at least the Cat Den , Representative Terri Sewell, the "old ADP leadership" and the new Alabama Democratic Party Chair are pleased.

Then Congressman Artur Davis put Beck's name forward for the job back in January of 2010. The ADP (under the old leadership) concurred in January of this year.

War Cam Newton! The haters are still hating.

Cam, they might love you in War Eagle Nation, but some folks ain't too thrilled with your act.

None dare call it racism.

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