
Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday Talking Points

There is nothing wrong with Teachers having tenure, that's why republicans want to mess it up too.

One of the more closely watched bills at this stage of the 2010 Regular Session of the Alabama Legislature has been SB310, a Republican proposal to “reform” the teacher* tenure law in Alabama. The list of the bill’s sponsors reads like a Who’s Who of the hard-core GOP political apparatus: Senators Pittman, Dial, Waggoner, Marsh, Taylor, Beason, Williams, Blackwell and Whatley. The bill’s main sponsor, Sen. Trip Pittman of Baldwin County, has been quoted as saying the object of his bill is “making it easier for school boards to get rid of the bad ones [teachers].”

You are either with the racist Tea Party or you're against the racist Tea Party.

Remember, the Tea Party is based on serious policy disagreements with Obama and not just bigoted people freaking out over our first black president. And when they send out emails like this comparing Obama to a monkey, it is totally not racist of them at all. I know this is true because I saw it on Fox News and why would they lie?

If the tea party is about taxation without representation Shouldn’t this be a fight tea party people would want to get involved in?
While it may not seem important to some, there is a crisis brewing in the nation’s capital:

What might be required to enact change, Raskin said, is a “mass movement of protest to test the conscience of the nation. It’s clear that President Obama does not intend to be the personal leader of a liberation struggle. He’s dealing with multiple crises. This is not a crisis until the people of Washington make it one.”

D.C. residents are pissed, and rightly so. They’ve always been the step-children in state rights discussions. They’ve always been tapped for cash and concessions, but never allowed the kind of representation that goes along with that.

Psst President Obama! D.C. residents are tried of being treated like the step children at the family reunion.
Mark Plotkin, a WTOP political commentator who has made District statehood something of an obsession, said he sees little to distinguish Obama from his Republican predecessor, George W. Bush. Bush angered voting rights advocates by refusing to place the D.C. “Taxation Without Representation” license plate on the presidential limousine. Obama also has not added the plate to his limousine.

“The greatest assault is indifference, and he has the hubris to take us for granted,” Plotkin said of Obama. “He went to Cairo to talk about democracy. He won’t go to Brentwood or Deanwood. He has not made one utterance about D.C. to D.C. in D.C.”

Those republicans know how to fight crime, don't they?
you can be on the lookout for a convicted sex offender--and rest assured that law enforcement will be nowhere in sight.

Is the Budget Deal real or is it Memorex?

The latest report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reveals that the much vaunted budget compromise, being sold as a massive cut, is actually nothing of the sort, and taking the ongoing wars into consideration will actually see 2011 spending increase somewhat over the previous plan

The data shows “non-emergency appropriations” falling nearly $38 billion on paper, but that this would translate into only $352 million in actually spending cuts compared to the previous estimates.

Hey Left in Alabama did you learn anything from this story, or are you going to continue to suppress liberal voices?

If your view of politics is filtered by a lens marked "Progressive" or "Liberal", there's a pretty good chance that you've been gnashing your teeth and pulling your hair in frustration over the "give away the store, then negotiate" approach professional Democrats have used when facing the challenges from the Tea Party last year, and all that's come after.
Over and over and over people like me have written stories wondering why Democrats, starting with this President, don't get out in a very public way and slam Republican policies, over and over and over-especially when most Americans hate the things Republicans seem to love to support.

Talk on. Talk loud. Talk often.


Anonymous said...

Your buddy Skews just outed himself as a shill for Alabama Power. Also apparently using a handle that is also being used to skewer public workers and unions.

Wondering how you feel about being used as a tool to assist such a corporate entity...

You were in fact warned. I'd say I hate to say I told you so, but I'm laughing my patootey off right now.

Redeye said...

Anonymous/Almoderate/Jennifer my buddy Skews isn't the one that outted himself. There's an old saying...if you throw a rock at a pen full of pigs the one that squeals is the one that was hit...methinks you squeal too much.
You said:
"Even more interesting... The residential IP that Skews wants you to dig up was mine." And you say Skews outted himself? LOL!

You must think Skews and company are stoopid

Skews then releases the IPs of critical commenters as "possible hackers" as both a cover and in hopes that some passer by might try to counter-hack his revenge for him. Two birds and one stone.

Anyhoo I'm beginning to see a pattern of behavior that is uncoming progressive bloggers. Oh wait, you're not a progressive. Never mind.

"Your front page privileges at Left in Alabama were revoked because you refused to fact check your posts or correct factual errors when they were pointed out to you. You know that, but you continue to lie and claim you're being oppressed. Get help."

Redeye said...

Typo, should read, Anyhoo I'm beginning to see a pattern of behavior that is unbecoming progressive bloggers.

Unknown said...

You can delete as many of my comments as you like, hon. It doesn't make them less true.

Again... Skews flat out lied by saying that the IP addresses were associated with the Birmingham News. And if you and LS want to play word games, he at the very least misled that they were. Wasn't that whole lack of integrity and misleading thing the whole point behind his attack page to begin with?

And you seriously want to insinuate that I hacked him? Really? Prove it since you're so keen to make the accusation. The burden of proof is indeed yours.

Thus far, you have the word of a blogger who just popped up out of nowhere and hasn't been around or met anyone. He hasn't offered any proof to his claims that he was hacked in the first place. Oh, and he's a proven liar who encourages illegal activity! And the beauty is that I CAN PROVE THAT.

Yeah, he's got an IP for me. So does LIA. So does Flashpoint. So do you. Does that mean I've hacked their sites, too? No, that's just standard information provided to blog hosts. LIA could just as easily take down their blog and claim being hacked and then publish YOUR former IP as a suspect. Does that prove you did it? Ooh! Or I can just create a random anonymous blog posing as someone else and do that! That is, after all, what you would consider to be CREDIBLE evidence, no?

Perhaps you need to go back and reread exactly why your privileges were revoked. They're pretty darn spot on. Baseless accusations and lies are bad. Fact checking and logic are good.

Redeye said...

I haven't deleted any of your comments Jennifer but for some reason this ended up in the spam box.

You said;
Perhaps you need to go back and reread exactly why your privileges were revoked. They're pretty darn spot on. Baseless accusations and lies are bad. Fact checking and logic are good.

Project much?