
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Welcome to the real world my child

Remember the commercial when the young man got his first paycheck looked at  and asked "Who is FICA?"  Well something similar happened when my oldest offspring saw the itemized  tax deductions on her first real paycheck, only she said, I agree with those who say no new taxes because they are eating up my paycheck.  

 They aren't talking about no new taxes on wage earners like you, I said They are talking about no new taxes on millionaires and billionaires because the Bush tax cut shifted the tax cut from the rich who could afford to pay more to the middle class who couldn't afford to pay more.

If the Bats#it crazy TeaPublicans have their way, wage earners, not to be confused with millionaires and billionaires, will have an increase in payroll taxes.  Millions of Americans will see their taxes go up at the beginning of the year and millions of Americans will see their jobless benefits end.  

republicans will do anything to win elections, but once they win they can't govern.

Pay your taxes and welcome to the real world my child.

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