
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Christmas Suckers!

Why do people vote against their self interest?

When the majority of the American voters , not to be confused with the majority of the American people, handed the House of Representatives over to the Tea Baggers, I wondered how long it was going to take for them to realize they'd been punk'd by the gop infused media enabled Tea Party.... I wonder if they even realize they've been betrayed?

Psst!  Listen up!

President Obama, the TeaPublicans and the Talking TeeVee Pundits Heads are part of the1%.  They are going to be fine regardless, you on the other hand.....

If President Obama, the TeaPublicans and the Talking TeeVee Pundits get sick they have access to the best health care our tax dollars can buy.  You on the other hand....

President Obama, the TeaPublicans and the Talking TeeVee Pundit Heads are going to have a great Christmas with plenty of food and lots of presents under the tree.  You on the other hand....

President Obama, the TeaPublicans and the Talking TeeVee Pundits Heads aren't worried about losing one of their many homes.  You on the other hand....

President Obama, the TeaPublicans and the Talking TeeVee Pundit Heads aren't worried about their pensions and retirement.  You on the other hand......

President Obama, the TeaPublicans and the Talking TeeVee Pundit Heads aren't worried about sending their children to underfunded, under achieving public schools because they have access to the best schools their money can buy.  You on the the other hand....

President Obama, the TeaPublicans, and the Talking TeeVee Pundit Heads aren't worried about caring for aging parents or sick children.   You on the other hand....

President Obama, the TeaPublicans and the Talking TeeVee Pundit Heads aren't worried about an increase in payroll taxes.  You on the other hand......

President Obama, the TeaPublicans and the Talking TeeVee Pundit Heads aren't worried about paying their utility bills.  You on the other hand...

Stoopid is as Stoopid does.

You aren't hurting anyone but yourselves.

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