
Saturday, November 27, 2010

I cannot let these brazen lies stand

Since I am being accused of hacking into mooncats LiA account and posting a diary calling out Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III(R. Azalea Trail Maids) for his opposition to the DREAM ACT like that's a bad thing, I am compelled to correct some of the brazen lies contained in comments by Sessions apologist/supporters.

Jeff Sessions opposes educating brown kids (+)

Jeff Sessions is the GOP point man against the DREAM Act, which is pretty fitting considering his past racist statements. Sessions has authored a "white paper" with 10 point talking points against the act.
Brazen lie #1
While I support any immigrants right to become a citizen, why should we make it even more complicated than it already is by adding loopholes to naturalization process? If a Democrat had come up with the "white paper" instead of Sessions, I would agree with it still, just the same. And by the way, the majority of Democrats support Sessions points.
I don't know what "majority of democrats" the commenter refers to, but here is the OFFICIAL Democratic Party position on immigration reform.

We will extend the promise of citizenship to those still struggling for freedom. Today’s immigration laws do not reflect our values or serve our security, and we will work for real reform. The solution is not to establish a massive new status of second-class workers; that betrays our values and hurts all working people. Undocumented immigrants within our borders who clear a background check, work hard and pay taxes should have a path to earn full participation in America. We will hasten family reunification for parents and children, husbands and wives, and offer more English-language and civic education classes so immigrants can assume all the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. As we undertake these steps, we will work with our neighbors to strengthen our security so we are safer from those who would come here to harm us. We are a nation of immigrants, and from Arab-Americans in California to Latinos in Florida, we share the dream of a better life in the country we love

Brazen lie #2
First of all, pandering to immigration by the Republicans, Democrats, liberals and conservatives is just a vote buying game. The majority of Democrats oppose naturalization of illegals and support some type of substantial border protection.

First of all, unlike republicans, democrats don't do things in order to "buy votes", which I assume is another way of saying pander for partisan political gain, democrats support the DREAM Act because it's the right thing thing to do. The second point has already been refuted.

Then you have people like Mo Brooks that didn't go overboard with his immigration rhetoric like Peterson & James, but they still campaigned on something they cannot possibly deliver. But they sure did drive home the point of how the illegals take American jobs and such. (trying to appeal to the racist voters) When finally Mo Brooks, Robert Bentley and others outlined just how they would solve the immigration problem, all they came up with is e-freekin-verify. That idea's not worth the paper it's printed on. All that does is create a bigger market for hackers and fake ID makers. The only way to stop illegal immigration would require at least one million troops along the border. And that would be MUCH too expensive.
Brazen lie #3
The white exodus from the Alabama Democratic Party is for exactly the same reason, only here mooncat is playing the role of Joe Reed.
Nope, the reason for the white exodus from the Alabama Democratic Party is there are more of them than there are of us. There are more white democrats (and I use that term loosely) who care more about sending them there illegals back to Mexico than they do their city, county, state and country. The playing the role of Joe Reed race baiting was meant as a slam but it's actually a complement to mooncat for calling out the racist racism.

Brazen lies #4,5,6,7
I'm tired of trying to talk reasonably with Democrats. You guys complain about previous administrations spending habits but are now ok by doubling down on the spending. You argument? They spent us into this recession... We can spend ourselves out.

The fact of the matter is, our social entitlements programs are struggling as it is. You want to pour millions of more people into these programs without finding a way to shore up our current obligations. Its just plain ignorant.

Why is it impossible to work to improve the situation for all Mexicans? Not just the ones who break our laws? If all you bleeding heart liberals out there really stood behind what you say instead of just pandering for votes then you'd be pushing for America to work with Mexico to improve its impoverished. To improve its economy, to improve its job market so that suddenly America isn't as appealing to break into. But nah, if they are in Mexico, then that means they can't vote democrat.

is type of rhetoric. The ADP converted an 100+ year reign in the majority into a republican super majority. I guess all us racist white folk got tired of the status quo.
I guess it depends on what the meaning of to talk reasonably with democrats IS, if it's listen to and adhere to right wing talking points and tortured logic, no we democrats aren't hearing it. We democrats were right (no pun) to complain about the previous administrations out of control spending on all war all the time, raiding the deficit to give the rich a tax cut and creating debt as far as the eye can see.

The fact of the matter is without those "social entitlement programs" righty's rail against like Medicare, Social Security, and aid to dependent children people would suffer and die.

Instead of trying to tell another country what to do, why not enact comprehensive immigration reform in this country? In other words let America run America and let Mexico run Mexico. We don't believe in "nation building", remember? It's Country First. A country founded by immigrants. Remember? If you want immigrants to vote republican instead of democrats, give them a reason to vote for the gop instead of against the gop.

Please do continue this type of rhetoric. The ADP converted an 100+ year reign in the majority into a republican super majority. I guess all us racist white folk got tired of the status quo

Translation: STFU and let us continue to oppress black/brown and red folks and maintain the status quo.

mooncat asks
What would the GOP do without Southern racists to carry their water?
What indeed.

Let them define themselves, let them reveal who they are~Rep. Maxine Waters


Black Diaspora said...

I enjoyed your analysis.

The statement that's repeated here (that Democrats "buy votes") is one that I hear often on Republican blogs, as well as the statement that Democrats are the real racists, more interested in the buying of black votes than in correcting the glaring deficiencies so prevalent in the black community.

Your statement to follow reflects the larger truth, but Republicans find it hard to believe that our motives would be different from their own self-seeking motives:

"[D]emocrats support the DREAM Act because it's the right thing thing to do."

Although I understand the sentiment being expressed on the Left, when Democrats refer to this nation as a "nation of immigrants," the Right often uses the statement to gloss over the horrors of slavery, and the slave trade (most blacks didn't come here as immigrants but as chattel), and to pretend that that part of our ignoble history never happened.

Further, the statement doesn't acknowledge the large number of indigenous people, Native Americans, that inhabited this land long before the coming of Europeans--and neither does it acknowledge the presence of Mexicans who lived in sundry places we now call our own.

Yes, I'm a "bleeding heart," more accurately, a bleeding progressive.

I wear it as a "red badge of courage," and as a sure sign that I have joined the ranks of that growing number of human beings that are rapidly evolving--recognizing a greater truth, that what we do to others we do to ourselves: that We're All One.

yellowdog said...

Exactly, BD!

The BIG lies continue. The most consistent demographic of the Republican voter is "uneducated white male - no college." That explains why the poster child of the Tea Party Republicans is someone screaming "Keep government out of my Medicare!"

Just today, a news story points out over 1 million have taken advantage of social services in Alabama in the last year. "Doctor" Bentley won the governorship with less votes.

In fact, no Alabama Republican on the statewide ballot won with more than 1 out of 4 eligible voters support! At least 70% plus of Alabama eligible voters did not support a Republican candidate.

And the BIG lie is the Republican spin that the majority of us really know what is going on and make informed decisions!

One problem of the Democratic Party is the concept, "We hold these truths to be self-evident..." We need to lower our expectation of awareness and understanding by our fellow citizens, and inform and persuade the 75% who don't support Republicans to tell everyone what they do want and need, and vote when it is time.

And never stop standing against the BIG lies!

Redeye said...

Welcome fellow bleeding heart liberal/progressive BD! Thank you for reading and for your insightful comments, please don't be a stranger.

You know republicans are spinning like a top when they resort to claiming democrats support bigotry. I guess they figure if they repeat the lie over and over again people will believe it to be true. Oh wait...

I couldn't have said it better myself and it bears repeating for emphasis;

"Although I understand the sentiment being expressed on the Left, when Democrats refer to this nation as a "nation of immigrants," the Right often uses the statement to gloss over the horrors of slavery, and the slave trade (most blacks didn't come here as immigrants but as chattel), and to pretend that that part of our ignoble history never happened.

Further, the statement doesn't acknowledge the large number of indigenous people, Native Americans, that inhabited this land long before the coming of Europeans--and neither does it acknowledge the presence of Mexicans who lived in sundry places we now call our own."

This is the truth, I wonder how long it's going to take for our fellow citizens to recognize this fact;
what we do to others we do to ourselves: that We're All One.

Redeye said...

Yellowdog you get it!

The BIG lies continue. The most consistent demographic of the Republican voter is "uneducated white male - no college." That explains why the poster child of the Tea Party Republicans is someone screaming "Keep government out of my Medicare!"

Of course it helps to have a media who distorts what they decide. :)