
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Why the gop infused, media enabled Tea Party really "won"

The gop infused, media enabled Tea Party didn't win because they got the most votes. They won because they told the most lies.

Now that the GOP has won back the house they are showing their true plans for the American people and our President. They plan to use their victory as a sign that the people are in agreement with them so that they can reward billionaires and millionaires like the Koch Brothers, Rupert Murdoch, Glen Beck, Hannity, and O"Reilly with big fat tax refund checks that will only finish draining our Treasury. The only concern they have for the middle class and poor is to drive them into further poverty and turn America into a serfdom and a rich man's paradise.

The gop infused, media enabled, Tea Party didn't win because according to them, the majority of the American people don't want access to quality health care. They won because President Obama and President Clinton before him want ALL Americans to have access to health care, not just the billionaires. If George W. Bush, Sarah Palin or John McCain wanted health care reform the righty's would be all for it. How do I know this? Well, they let Bush and Dick take our troops to war based on DEAD WRONG intelligence and they didn't say a mumbling word. They let Bush and Dick raid the surplus to give the rich a tax cut and they didn't say a mumbling word. They let Bush and Dick send manufacturing jobs overseas and they didn't say a mumbling word. They let Bush and Dick out an undercover CIA agent and they didn't say a mumbling word. I could go on, but I think you get my point.

The gop infused, media enabled Tea Party didn't win because they have a plan. They won because they plan to make sure Barack Hussein Obama and Michele Obama are the first and last African Americans to occupy the White House, unless it's a gop infused, media enabled African American family.

The gop infused, media enabled Tea Party didn't win because they had a clear message. They won because President Obama's message was drowned out by the right wing Lords and Loud. They won because the Professional Left was suppressed and silenced.
Yes, I want President Obama to put his foot down and say NO to GOP policies. And yes, I want him to stop compromising with those whose only desire is to see him fail. Nevertheless, I refuse to sit back and let another black man be lynched by a modern day lynch mob. He told us in the beginning during his victory speech that he couldn't do it alone and he can't. He cannot fight those who control the media and money alone.

The gop infused, media enabled Tea Party didn't win because President Obama was "too far left". They won because the Obama Administration Seems to be Terrified of White People.

This fear, in our view, has nothing to do with the fact that Obama is our first black president. Rather, we suspect it has to do with the fact that Obama is a centrist Democrat. And it seems "centrist Democrat" is simply a fancy term for a liberal who is afraid of white people.

If the Obama Administration is afraid of white people maybe we should be afraid of white people too.

The election of Barack Obama was guaranteed to have far reaching, and long lasting implications for Alabama politics. The first election of an African-American President could not be anything other than a paradigm-shifting event. On the one hand, Obama’s presence on the ballot seems to have brought out the worst in white Alabama.

The other shoe is about to drop on the gop infused, media enabled Tea Party.

Now that the Republicans have taken back America and Obama is no longer relevant, a funny thing is happening. The chattering classes have started to notice that this country is in bad shape, is not getting better, and the people they've been gushing about might not have a real answer. They are belatedly waking up to the fact that the Tea Party agenda.....has no substance. There's no way to make it work - because it's full of contradictions where it isn't totally incoherent. Sure, they all proclaimed Obama screwed up - but just stopping him won't make the problems go away.

Which proves, it was never about jobs, the economy,health care reform, taxes, it was about "taking our country back" from an African American named Barack Obama.

The "Leave It To Beaver" days that Tea Party voters yearn for are about to be swept into the dustbin of history.

I know, you think you’ve taken “your country back” with this election — and of course you have always thought it was yours for the taking, cuz that’s what we white folks are bred to believe, that it’s ours, and how dare anyone else say otherwise — but you are wrong.

You have won a small battle in a larger war the meaning of which you do not remotely understand.

‘Cuz there is nothing even slightly original about you.

There have always been those who wanted to take the country back.

There were those who, in past years, wanted to take the country back to a time of enslavement and indentured servitude.

The gop infused, media enabled Tea Party didn't win because a majority of the American people want to go back to before. They won because a majority of the American people didn't get off their Donkey's and VOTE like their lives depended on it.

1 comment:

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Yup, you are fired up! I liked it.