Campaign buttons for Republican Presidential candidate Herman Cain are seen on sale as he campaigned Friday in Talladega, Ala.
A big old H/T to Shady Grady for the perfect headline for this post. I have been snickering all day watching gop, Presidential front runner Herman Cain twist in the wind due to Politico's expose of the charges of sexual harassment in his past.
Josh Marshall
I’m trying to put together a Herman Cain harassment timeline. This is a work in progress because I’m having a hard time keep track of it all. So bear with me.
1. Politico allegations are false. Story is crap.
2. Yes, there were allegations. But they were false.
3. Yes there were allegations that were false and I don’t know what money was paid.
4. I don’t know whether money was paid. And it would be wrong for me to find out whether money was paid because it’s confidential.
5. There was a in-depth investigation. And I was cleared. But I don’t know anything about it.
6. Here’s the gesture that led to my getting accused of harassment.
7. Okay, I remember some discussion of a settlement number.
Yep. Herman punk'd the republicans and the media big time. I mean, didn't they vet this guy? Or, did they honestly think we wouldn't find out about those scary skeletons in his closet?
Field Negro
I would like to welcome Mr. 9-9-9 to the world of big time politics.
It seems that my man forgot one thing while he was jigging and joking his way into the hearts of white conservatives across A-merry-ca: Your skeletons will always come back to haunt you. We all have them. But we don't all try to get elected as the leader of the free world, or, for that matter, to become a member of the most powerful "democratic" judicial body on earth.
And so here we go again; yet another black conservative is the victim of a "high tech lynching". The last one survived the metaphoric rope around his neck and ultimately found himself in a position where he can influence whether a rope is put around the neck of others.
Have the media and the gop forgotten the vague accusations of Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones and Anita Hill?
I wonder if the Koch Brothers are going to repossess Cain's big, nice, shiny bus?
I wonder if the Huntsville Federation of Republican women regret inviting him to dinner at the Marriott?
I wonder if Herman Cain is still Alabama State Senator Scott Beason's (r. racist Gardendale) Boy?
I almost feel sorry for the gop and the mainstream media. They thought they had themselves the perfect racist in Herman Cain.
Herman Cain has become, in many ways, the perfect racist. America lives under the interesting premise that a racist can’t be Black. That’s like believing that a man can’t hate his sibling, or that a woman can’t advocate for a man to beat his wife (as Whoopi did to Oprah in “The Color Purple”). The truth is that racism is typically most effective when you put a Black face on it, and Herman Cain has volunteered to become the cute little political puppet which allows white America to say the things that they are afraid to say.
Too bad. So sad.